Our occasional practitioner events bring people together to share knowledge and ideas, and include thematic workshops, practice-focused conferences, and residential training and consultation events, for managers and frontline staff.
Governing Governors Winter Symposium – Keble College, University of Oxford
8-9 August 2019
#HiddenHeroes Prison Officers’ Summer Symposium – Keble College, University of Oxford
8-9 August 2019
Parole, Probation & Prison: Past, Present & Future – Parole Board 50th Anniversary conference
6 November 2017
Prison officer residential summer symposium 2017 – Keble College, University of Oxford
14-15 August 2017
Research into Practice II [conference] – Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge
7 September 2016
Prison officer residential summer school – Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge
28-29 July 2016
Working with veterans in custody and the community [workshop]
3 November 2015
Management and care of older prisoners [workshop]
5 November 2015
Research into Practice conference – Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge
16 September 2015
Management and Care of Offenders with Learning Disabilities, Custody and Community [workshop]
7 October 2014 (in association with the Prison Reform Trust)
Transforming Prisons & Prisoners Through Physical Education [workshop]
9 October 2014 (in association with NOMS)
Maintaining Prisoner/Family Relationships in Prison [workshop]
3 October 2013 (in association with Action for Prisoners’ Families)
Meeting the needs of older prisoners & responding to the challenge of an aging population [workshop]
2 October 2013 (in association with the Prison Reform Trust)
Supporting and supervising offenders with mental health issues in the community [workshop]
1 October 2013 (in association with the Centre for Mental Health)