Jul 17, 2013
Jul 17, 2013
COMMENDEE 2012-13: Manager: for longstanding commitment to excellence in the management and care of offenders.
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Jul 16, 2013
Jul 16, 2013
COMMENDEE 2012-13: Co-ordinating Chaplain: for dedication and skill in support of prisoners, their families and the victims of crime.
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Jul 15, 2013
Jul 15, 2013
COMMENDEES 2012-13: Multidisciplinary team: for the development of the Jailhouse Café, a community interest company supporting skills training for offenders.
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Jul 14, 2013
Jul 14, 2013
COMMENDEE 2012-13: Assistant Chaplain: for longstanding dedication and skill in the management and care of prisoners.
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Jul 11, 2013
Jul 11, 2013
COMMENDEES 2012-13: Senior Officer & Prison Officer: for contributions to the care and welfare of staff. (This Commendation is granted in memory of Paul Mason).
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Aug 9, 2012
Aug 9, 2012
AWARD WINNER 2011-12: Brenda is the inspiration and driving force behind Families First at HMP & YOI Doncaster. Families First aims to reduce reoffending by helping prisoners to maintain and develop relationships with their partners and children through initiatives, facilitated by fully trained staff, such as toddler mornings, family days and “Daddy Newborn”, in which fathers can spend time with their newborn child in a specially designed room. None of this would have happened without Brenda’s vision and refusal to take “no” for an answer. (This Award is supported by the […]
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Aug 8, 2012
Aug 8, 2012
AWARD WINNER 2011-12: Cat is Artistic Director and the creative force behind Second Shot Productions at HMP & YOI Doncaster. Second Shot employ prisoners, ex-offenders and others to deliver a range of professional services from film making and graphic design through to drama therapy and arts projects, both in the prison and for outside customers. Offenders are trained towards an industry recognised qualification and many find related jobs on release, some with Second Shot. Profits from all commercial work are fed back in to the company. (This Award is supported by […]
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Aug 7, 2012
Aug 7, 2012
AWARD WINNERS 2011-12: Four Officers, an SO and a Senior Psychologist from HMP Gartree, receive their Award for their work on a specialist 12 bed unit for lifers with particularly challenging behaviours. The unit employs enhanced case management techniques, and specially developed systems of monitoring, compacts and behavioural contracts, to help prisoners improve their behaviours and return to normal location better prepared to progress through the lifer system. Each of the winners has played a significant role in the unit’s success since its launch in early 2010. (This Award is supported […]
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Aug 6, 2012
Aug 6, 2012
AWARD WINNER 2011-12: Janet works for Manchester College as a Lecturer at HMP Kennet. Through her efforts she has significantly enhanced the educational provision for prisoners with dyslexia, ADHD and related issues, becoming an expert in assessing and addressing complex learning needs, and working tirelessly to raise awareness of such issues across the prison. She has also developed links with outside agencies to help ensure that prisoners’ needs continue to be met on release and enhance their chances of finding employment. (On behalf of The Bromley Trust, Janet is also awarded […]
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Aug 5, 2012
Aug 5, 2012
AWARD WINNER 2011-12: Officer Raistrick wins his Award for his work on the vulnerable prisoner unit, B1, at HMP Leeds. The unit links closely with psychology, education, and the mental health in-reach and safer custody teams. It has had excellent results, helping to reduce self harm and improve prisoners’ coping skills, and equipping most of its residents to return to normal location. B1 was Phil’s idea, he has been the driving force behind it since its inception, and the unit has been identified as an example of good practice by HMCIP. […]
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Aug 4, 2012
Aug 4, 2012
AWARD WINNER 2011-12: Officer Naughton has transformed the training and employment opportunities for prisoners at HMP Liverpool. Since his appointment as Employment Liaison Officer, Keith has focused on developing partnership arrangements with local businesses (such as Timpsons, among many others) to train and provide work for offenders within the prison and offer them employment after their release. At the same time, he runs his workshops at a profit, raising additional funds to put back in to the prison regime. (This Award is supported by the Prison Officers Association).
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Aug 1, 2012
Aug 1, 2012
AWARD WINNER 2011-12: Cathryn is Head Pharmacist at Swansea. Against considerable resistance she has turned the pharmacy from one described by HMCIP as “barely legal” in 2005 to a beacon of excellence. She has improved staff training, developed standard operating procedures on all aspects of medication handling, introduced nurse-prescribing of drug detox medication on reception, set up specialist prescribing and overdose prevention services for drug users, increased “in possession” medication rates from 20% to 80%, and improved health outcomes for prisoners. (This Award is supported by G4S Care and Justice Services).
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