Aug 24, 2013


AWARD WINNER 2012-13: Sandra, from the drugs charity Lifeline, has been manager of the multi-disciplinary substance misuse team at HMP Liverpool since 2009. Through her personal drive and dedication, she has transformed what was previously a failing area of the establishment in to a high quality, integral part of the prison regime, linked closely with outside partner agencies, to ensure that offenders receive the support they need, both in prison and after release. (This Award is supported by G4S Care & Justice Services).
Aug 23, 2013


AWARD WINNERS 2012-13: Kevin from charity Media for Development, and Donovan & Simon from Kensington & Chelsea College, were nominated for their contributions to “Radio Wanno”. The 24-hour, prisoner-led radio station provides vocational skills training to those employed on it, and high quality information, advice and guidance to prisoners across the establishment. As project manager, Kevin is the driving force behind the station, while Simon and Donovan train and support the prisoners involved. (This Award is supported by Sodexo Justice Services).
Aug 22, 2013

STEVEN ELLIS (West Yorkshire Probation Trust)

AWARD WINNER 2012-13: Steven is a volunteer with the charity DISC. A former prisoner, he runs art classes and provides peer-mentoring support for people with drug problems, including in HMP Everthorpe (where he served), aimed at aiding their recovery from addiction. He is described in his nomination as “exceptional and truly inspirational” and “by far the most committed, enthusiastic and motivated individual I have had the pleasure of working with”. (This Award is supported by the Barrow Cadbury Trust).
Aug 21, 2013


AWARD WINNER 2012-13: Mick, a Treatment Manager at HMP Whatton and former Prison Officer, was nominated for his outstanding contribution, over more than two decades, to the treatment of sexual offenders. He is a highly-skilled and compassionate treatment facilitator, an excellent manager, and widely-respected national trainer. He is also a recognised expert in working with sexual offenders with an intellectual disability, and has led the adaptation of programmes for this particular group. (This Award is supported by the Prison Officers’ Association (POA)).
Jul 27, 2013


COMMENDEE 2012-13: Former Work Skills Tutor: for contributions to improving the post release employment opportunities of women prisoners.
Jul 26, 2013

ALAN LILLY (Cheshire Probation Trust)

COMMENDEE 2012-13: Probation Service Officer: for contributions to the management and care of offenders who are veterans of the armed services.
Jul 24, 2013


COMMENDEE 2012-13: Prison Officer: for dedication and skill in the management and care of challenging offenders in a prison setting.