Dec 1, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
COMMENDEES 2016-17: Thomas and Kellie, from Novus, receive a Commendation for their pivotal roles in transforming all aspects of the prisoner learning experience at HMP/YOI Thorn Cross.
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Dec 1, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
COMMENDEE 2016-17: Brian, a Practice Development Advisor for the Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice, is Commended for his contribution to improving youth justice services in Dumfries and Galloway, and across Scotland.
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Dec 1, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
COMMENDEE 2016-17: Johannes, a Physical Education Instructor at HMYOI Polmont, receives a Commendation for his all-round contribution to transforming the lives of the young men in his care.
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Dec 1, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
COMMENDEE 2016-17: Sallyann manages the Parenting Programme Project at HMYOI Brinsford, and is Commended for the enthusiasm, energy, commitment and care she brings to all aspects of her role.
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Dec 1, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
COMMENDEE 2016-17: Gail is Head of the Offender Management Unit at HMP Buckley Hall, and receives a Commendation for the dedication, skill and creativity she has shown in transforming offender management in the prison.
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Dec 1, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
COMMENDEE 2016-17: Andrew, Senior Catering Officer at HMP Maghaberry, is Commended for the widespread impact he has had on prisoners, staff and the wider community, as a result of his tireless efforts to make a difference.
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Dec 1, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
COMMENDEE 2016-17: Sian is a Probation Officer with Wales CRC; nominated by an offender, she receives a Commendation for all-round excellence in her work with, and on behalf of, the people in her care.
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Nov 29, 2015
Nov 29, 2015
AWARD WINNER 2015-16: Neil is a civilian librarian at HMP Thameside. Nominated by prisoners, and described by a colleague as “our library superstar”, Neil wins his Award for the outstanding dedication, skill and creativity he has shown in transforming the prison’s library into a dynamic learning and resource centre, much valued by prisoners and staff, and described as “the envy of other prisons”. [This Award is sponsored by Novus (The Manchester College Group).]
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Nov 27, 2015
Nov 27, 2015
AWARD WINNERS 2015-16: Sarah, a Practice Improvement Officer at County Durham YOS, and Susan, a Speech and Language Therapist at North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, are described in their nomination as “a fabulous team – our own dynamic duo”, and receive an Award for their outstanding contribution to the management and support of young people with communication difficulties. [This Award is sponsored by Working Links.]
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Nov 25, 2015
Nov 25, 2015
AWARD WINNERS 2015-16: Sarah, a Probation Officer with NPS North West, based in Merseyside, and Julie, a Clinical Psychologist at Mersey Care NHS Trust, are described as “an inspirational duo”, and win an Award for their role in developing the innovative Psychologically Informed Consultation Service, which supports probation staff in the management and care of offenders with a personality disorder. [This Award is sponsored by Interserve.]
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Nov 23, 2015
Nov 23, 2015
AWARD WINNER 2015-16: Kerensa, a Senior Psychologist, is Clinical Lead for the Sex Offender Treatment Programme at HMP Whatton. Described as “one of the most inspirational people I’ve had the pleasure to work with”, she receives an Award for her exceptional work in all aspects of her job, and in particular for her role in developing interventions for sex offenders with an intellectual disability. [This Award is sponsored by Sodexo Justice Services.]
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Nov 21, 2015
Nov 21, 2015
AWARD WINNER 2015-16: Hannah is granted an Award for her outstanding contribution to equality and diversity in her role as Diversity Officer at Essex CRC, taking an “already impressive effort” and giving it what her nominator called “the Hannah treatment” – driving through improvements in policy and practice, building links with other agencies, and achieving national praise from the charity Stonewall. [This Award is sponsored by G4S Care & Justice Services.]
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