Jan 1, 2024


COMMENDEE 2023-24: Wendy, a Custodial Manager at HMP Bullingdon, receives a Commendation for her work as coach and mentor for new staff members, which has led to a dramatic improvement in staff morale and retention; and as a result of her efforts, not a single new-entrant Officer left the jail in over 12 months.
Jan 1, 2024


COMMENDEE 2023-24: Patrick’s Commendation is for the enthusiasm and leadership he shows as the PE Custodial Manager at HMP Birmingham; for making the gym into a safe and engaging space for every prisoner; and for the support he and his team provide for staff wellbeing and fitness, too.
Jan 1, 2024


COMMENDEE 2023-24: Originally nominated by a prisoner, James receives a Commendation for the courage, expertise, and commitment he demonstrates daily in his role as a Supervising Officer on the Close Supervision Centre at HMP Manchester, managing and caring for amongst the most challenging men in the system.
Jan 1, 2024

TRISH DUDLEY (HMP Huntercombe)

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Trish’s Commendation is for all she has achieved as the first ever Head of Resettlement at HMP Huntercombe, developing from scratch a widely-praised, comprehensive resettlement service for foreign national prisoners, which sets the benchmark for the rest of the foreign national estate.
Jan 1, 2024

JOHN DUNLEAVY (Southwood Approved Premises)

COMMENDEE 2023-24: John, a Probation Services Officer at Southwood Approved Premises, is Commended for the talent, professionalism, and tireless dedication he has shown throughout a 30-year career in APs, for which he is respected and acclaimed by colleagues and residents alike.
Jan 1, 2024

VICTORIA ECCLESTON (Edith Rigby House Approved Premises)

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Vikky receives a Commendation for her impressive achievements as a Senior Probation Officer managing Edith Rigby House AP – a Psychologically Informed Planned Environment – and for setting up the ‘DeedsNotWords’ social enterprise to engage residents, and improve their prospects of employment.
Jan 1, 2024

KATHY GILL (Wirral Youth Justice Service)

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Kathy is Commended in her role as Manager of Wirral Youth Justice Service, for embedding the ‘Child First’ approach she exemplifies, and introducing a range of initiatives, such as ‘Operation Inclusion’ focused on those at risk of exploitation, and the ‘In the Zone’ outreach programme to schools.
Jan 1, 2024

LISA GRAY (Barton Moss Secure Care Centre)

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Lisa receives a Commendation for her enthusiasm, skill, and compassion as Interventions Manager at Barton Moss Secure Care Centre – one of the many young people who supported her nomination called her “the best person I have ever met”, with another adding, “she changed my life”.
Jan 1, 2024


COMMENDEE 2023-24: Alison is Commended, as Senior Catering Manager at HMP Maghaberry, for transforming the quality and range of food; introducing photo ‘menu books’, with descriptions in multiple languages, to help prisoners choose what to eat; and inspiring many of those she works with to find jobs in catering on release.
Jan 1, 2024

AIMEE JONES (HMP Manchester)

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Described by her Governor as “genuinely fabulous” and “relentlessly passionate”, Aimee’s Commendation is for her pivotal contribution, as the Prison Prevent Lead, to HMP Manchester’s approach to counter-terrorism, which has been highlighted by HMIP as a model of best practice.
Jan 1, 2024

DEBBIE JONES (Bridgend Youth Justice Service)

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Debbie is the Quality Assurance and Performance Officer at Bridgend Youth Justice Service, and receives a Commendation for her instrumental role, and tenacity, in developing and driving forward trauma-informed practice for young people, both within the YJS, and across the Cwm Taf region.
Jan 1, 2024


COMMENDEE 2023-24: Jai is Commended for his “outstanding leadership”, both as the Managing Chaplain at HMP/YOI Swinfen Hall, and as a respected member of the jail’s Senior Leadership Team; for the pastoral care he offers to prisoners and staff; and for his highly regarded counter-terrorism work in the wider estate.