Jan 1, 2019

JON WOOD (HMP Maghaberry)

COMMENDEES 2018-19: Jon is an Officer and Recycling Instructor at HMP Maghaberry. He is Commended for transforming the prison’s approach to recycling, creating employment opportunities for prisoners, and making a valuable economic and environmental contribution.
Jan 1, 2019

VALERIE WRIGHT (Lincolnshire Youth Offending Service)

COMMENDEE 2018-19: Valerie was a voluntary Community Panel Member with the Lincolnshire Youth Offending Service. She is granted a Commendation for the contribution she made to many hundreds of young lives, through the outstanding dedication, empathy and compassion she brought to her role.
Jan 1, 2018

ANGELA AUTY (National Probation Service, South West & South Central)

AWARD WINNER 2017-18: Angela is a Probation Officer for the National Probation Service, South West & South Central division. Described as ‘a rare gem’, she wins an Award for her consistently outstanding performance during 37 years of dedicated service, and for the support she gives to both colleagues and service users. [This Award is supported by Ingeus.]
Jan 1, 2018


AWARD WINNER 2017-18: Mark is an instructor at HMP/YOI Parc. Nominated by a prisoner, he receives an Award for his work in developing a high quality printing service, which serves clients across Wales and beyond, while providing skills, qualifications and employment opportunities to the prisoners in his charge. [This Award is supported by Novus.]
Jan 1, 2018

DOT COOMBER (Campsfield House IRC)

AWARD WINNER 2017-18: Dorothy is the Learning, Skills & Regimes Manager at Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre. She is granted an Award for transforming the educational opportunities offered to detainees in an especially challenging environment, across multiple languages, cultures, and nationalities. [Dorothy also receives the Keith Bromley Award for Education & Skills Training, supported by The Bromley Trust.]
Jan 1, 2018

LAURA GREENHILL (Dorset, Devon and Cornwall CRC)

AWARD WINNER 2017-18: Laura is a Probation Support Officer with Dorset, Devon & Cornwall CRC. She receives an Award for her vision and ‘tireless enthusiasm’ in all aspects of her role, and in particular in helping develop Exeter’s Community Hub as a valuable new resource for vulnerable people in the area. [This Award is supported by Serco Justice Services.]
Jan 1, 2018

KERRY HIRST (Yorkshire Prisons Group)

AWARD WINNER 2017-18: Kerry is the Safer Custody Lead for Yorkshire Prisons Group, and wins an Award for the outstanding guidance, training and support she has provided to frontline staff throughout the group. Her work has led to major reductions in suicide and self harm, as well as in violence towards both prisoners and staff. [This Award is supported by Seetec Justice.]
Jan 1, 2018

ELLEN HODGINS (National Probation Service, Midlands)

AWARD WINNER 2017-18: Ellen is a Probation Officer for the National Probation Service, Midlands division. Described as someone ‘undertaking her job extraordinarily well’, she wins an Award for her compassion, skill and tenacity, in transforming the management of offenders with complex needs, both locally and more widely. [This Award is supported by Interserve.]
Jan 1, 2018


AWARD WINNERS 2017-18: Karen and Laura are Prison Officers at HMP/YOI Low Newton. They are granted an Award for their outstanding contributions to the establishment’s Primrose Service for women with personality disorders, who, as Karen and Laura note, ‘are almost invariably victims of crime, as well as perpetrators’. [This Award is supported by the Prison Officers Association.]
Jan 1, 2018


AWARD WINNER 2017-18: Edwin is a Community Payback Project Supervisor with London CRC. Described as ‘an inspirational role model’ to colleagues and offenders alike, he receives his Award for his unfailing commitment to those in his charge, and for helping make Waltham Forest ‘a safer and better place to live’. [This Award is supported by G4S Care & Justice Services.]
Jan 1, 2018


AWARD WINNER 2017-18: Jackie is the Regimes and Equality & Diversity Manager at Heathrow Immigration Removal Centre. She receives her Award for being ‘a shining light’ in a very challenging environment, and she is renowned among both staff and detainees for her ‘hands-on’ approach in the care and support she provides. [This Award is supported by Working Links.]
Jan 1, 2018


AWARD WINNER 2017-18: Paulette is a longstanding volunteer at HMP/YOI Styal. Nominated by one prisoner, and described by another as ‘my guardian angel’, she wins an Award for the outstanding dedication, care and humanity she shows to the women in the prison, and for her unwavering commitment to their dignity. [This Award is supported by MTCnovo.]