COMMENDEE 2024-25: Currently Head of Residence, Mahmut is Commended for his exceptional contribution to all aspects of life at Dungavel House IRC. His unwavering commitment to the needs and welfare of residents and staff is highly praised by all, and his Governor calls him “the beating heart” of the establishment.
Initial Recommendation
This nomination followed an initial recommendation from John McClure, Head of Operations Scotland and Centre Manager
I would like to Nominate Mahmut Calisir for an award for his incredible commitment to the needs and welfare of residents and staff within Dungavel House IRC. Mahmut started at the Centre when it opened in 2001 as a trainee DCO and has since worked as Religious Affairs Manager and is currently acting into the Head of Residence role. I fully believe Mahmut is a huge part of the success at the IRC, and he plays a massive part in the positive feedback on the Centre from all stakeholders.
When you talk about people going the extra mile for others Mahmut goes 10. He ensures every resident has access to a religious practitioner and has sourced assistance over the years to assist every religion from Rastafarian to Buddhism and is our lead for all our EDI strands. He ensures all cultural needs are met and has an incredible network of providers of goods, services, and food to meet the needs of all nationalities and religions.
There are too many examples of how far he goes to assist to list but to give a flavour he has sourced perfumes from Pakistan and India for sale in the shop when asked by residents, sourced fizzy drinks only found in Albania, introduced Greek yoghurt, feta cheese and fresh veg to the shop, has a weekly meeting with residents and ensures their cultural and religious need are met and our services reflect the needs of the ever changing population going as far as spending his weekends going to cash and carry and finding sole traders dealing in different nationality foods to bring to the centre, he has organised a huge number of foreign language DVD’s and has even sourced and introduced a donner kebab machine in the kitchen to meet the needs of the large Albanian population. Dungavel has not had any of the indiscipline issues of other IRC’s and I believe Mahmut’s attention to detail and his commitment to addressing our residents’ needs have had a huge part in this.
It’s not until Mahmut takes a day off you realise how much he supports residents as everyone knows when he is not here and always asks for him. He has a relationship with Residents that is second to none and I haven’t witnessed before in my 26 years working in Prisons and IRC’s. I wish I could bottle what he has and sprinkle it across the estate. As a practising Muslim Mahmut was instrumental in the building of a new Mosque and a separate multi faith area and sourced artefacts and literature and furniture from lots of various sources and faiths. As our EDI lead Mahmut is non-judgemental and celebrates all faiths and cultures and ensures everyone with protected characteristics are recognised and supported. Right now, our entrance and gatehouse are adorned with Pride flags celebrating Pride month.
I fully believe there is no one in the Estate who gives so much and is so in tune with the needs of Residents and is held in such high regard by all stakeholders than Mahmut.
Supporting Documentation
David Gouldthorpe: Mahmut is a valued member of the team, he is regarded very highly by the resident population, in which Mahmut has fantastic relationships with our population. Mahmut is always on hand to help anybody, whether that be a resident or a colleague. Mahmut is a true gent and a friend to everybody.
Steven Dodds- As a member of the SLT within Dungavel, a lot of staff, as well as residents look to Mahmut for advice and support. Mahmut is always going out of his way to help residents, and always make himself available if anyone needs his support. He does not shy away from interacting with residents, and basing his office within the main residential unit shows his eagerness to mingle with and get to know the residents within his care. Mahmut has a very bright and energetic personality which is contagious for both staff and residents, and you can tell that it rubs off on anyone he has interactions with.
Cerys McMahon- Mahmut is always on hand whenever a resident needs help, he goes above and beyond to keep everyone happy. He creates fantastic relationships between himself and the residents. Mahmut likes to make sure everyone has a smile on their faces no matter what is happening that day.
John Esquierdo- A “fan favourite” so to speak. Mahmut has built a reputation as the most approachable of the senior leadership within the Centre and staff and residents view him as the person who will listen to their problems and find a solution.
Keith Savory – I feel Mahmut is very caring and enthusiastic about his role, however more importantly he is a people person and always looks out for his team and staff alike. When I was off ill Mahmut showed a very caring side and he was the one that called and text me, just to see if I was Ok. I thought that was very thoughtful. I also love his better to seek forgiveness than ask permission approach as he gets a lot done. I love his approach that lets just get the job done. He is very well respected by the residents and colleagues and feel that he is an asset to the centre.
Mitie 1st Line defence report – Actions taken by the Resident Consultative Committee Meeting following resident feedback is extremely prompt, during our visit an item was requested to be stocked in the shop and was available the following day. Minutes and actions are completed within 24 hours and published accordingly.
Joe Mearns- Mahmut is currently out acting head of Residential, Safer Custody and Welfare and is one of the most resident focussed colleagues I have ever worked with. He chairs the weekly Resident Consultation Committee meetings and engages extremely well with our residents and gets to know what they need. He will go out of his way to source and purchase products for the shop that they have asked for to cater for their individual dietary and cultural requirements to make life in detention a little more bearable. There is nothing that is too much trouble for Mahmut when he is asked to help with, and it is a great testament to him that when he is on a rest day or a holiday the residents are quick to notice and are always asking for him and look forward to him returning. His passion for his role and his humanity and selfless commitment are above and beyond anything that I have ever seen.
Sign Off
In my 27 years of working in this sector I can’t think of anyone else so respected by Residents, his peers, colleagues, and other stakeholders than Mahmut. He is the beating heart of Dungavel and is a key reason we are seen as providing the best service for Residents in the estate.
He continually goes the extra mile and it’s when he is not here you realise how much he does for residents to meet all their cultural, religious and welfare needs whilst here as they constantly ask – where is Mahmut today? Every resident knows him by name, and he is constantly referenced in Resident surveys as being great and residents write in once they have left to thank him for assisting them during their time here.
I believe Mahmut epitomises the ethos of Dungavel IRC and has had a huge part to play in the culture of mutual respect and the amazing staff and resident interactions and I also believe other establishments could learn a lot from Mahmut’s ideas and passion in relation to meeting residents needs and the impact that has on the safety and security of the wider establishment.
John McClure
Governor, Dungavel IRC