Celebrating and promoting the best in UK prisons, IRCs, probation and youth justice



Jahangir Meah

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Jai is Commended for his “outstanding leadership”, both as the Managing Chaplain at HMP/YOI Swinfen Hall, and as a respected member of the jail’s Senior Leadership Team; for the pastoral care he offers to prisoners and staff; and for his highly regarded counter-terrorism work in the wider estate.

Jahangir’s nomination

Initial Recommendation

Jahangir was initially recommended by: Jennifer Cross (Reducing Reoffending, HMP Swinfen Hall).

I feel Jahangir is deserving to be recognised for his continuous hard work and devotion to the service. Jahangir is the managing chaplain and as a colleague I can see how much passion he has for the service that he and his team do despite being short staffed. Jahangir has high standards for the work he and his team do, and therefore he ensures they do everything they can to facilitate all of the chaplaincy services, which go beyond the religious services but also the Sycamore Tree and bereavement support as well as co-ordinating a team of over 100 volunteers.

Jahangir will go above and beyond what is expected from him as he has the passion to want to help and support people and that one ‘thank you’ from a serving prisoner or ex-prisoner means the world to Jahangir as he knows he has provided the best support he could.

In addition to Jahangir’s job role, he has volunteered to work with prisoners convicted of extremist offences. Jahangir will be given cases that are not local to him and will have to travel to visit to carry out the 1 to 1 sessions. Jahangir uses his skills in terms of having patience, his ability to build a good rapport, build trust and being a good communicator to get the prisoner engaging in his sessions. Jahangir is required to write up reports following the sessions, which I’ve known him do in his own time to ensure they are complete and he can prepare for the next working day ahead.

In addition to the caseload, Jahangir has been more recently involved in a team of 4 to develop an extremism intervention training programme and delivered the training to MoJ headquarters, as well as probation and secure centres receiving really positive feedback. No doubt that the passion and enthusiasm Jahangir has will go a long way to receiving such feedback.

Jahangir is always that manager who will say hello, and invest time into everyone. He has such a positive, can-do attitude and nothing is too much trouble for him.

Jahangir has the ability to do all of the above professionally as well as balance his social and family time.

HMPPS is a better service because of the contribution and impact Jahangir has made and continues to make.

Additional information (from HMP Swinfen Hall)

HMP Swinfen Hall provided the following additional testimony in support of Jahangir’s nomination:

Jahangir is the managing chaplain at Swinfen Hall and part of the Senior Leadership team, Jahangir is a vital part of Swinfen Hall, he consistently completes his duties to the highest standards, showing compassion and dedication to both staff and prisoners in our care. Jai is influential to our prisoners and also a huge pillar of support.

Jai recently suffered an incredibly difficult and personal loss and he did not let this impact of his duty or dedication to his role. Jai goes above and beyond his everyday duties; during Eid he visited all prisoners and played a huge part in supporting other through this religious holiday.

Jai has always intervened and responded to crisis supporting prisoners to overcome challenges and struggles they face, due to the population held at Swinfen being 18-28 year olds this often a recurring issue in which Jai never waivers and treats every prisoner with the upmost respect.

Jai delivers all of his faith worship and chaplaincy support to staff and prisoners alongside an endless list of additional work. Jai championed the Mother’s Day gift initiative which was well received by prisoners and their mothers. Some quotes below show the impact –

“My Mum was very happy because she wasn’t expecting any gifts from me, she was very thankful the jail did this”…”She said it was very lovely, I appreciated being able to give something nice under the circumstances. Thank you.”

Jai does not just act as the Managing Chaplaincy here at Swinfen, he is an outstanding contributor to the whole of the prison community. During Covid-19 he remained in contact with other chaplains who had to self-isolate and offered support where needed. Jai has also built a large group of 100 volunteers over the years, with some individuals being volunteers at the prison for over 40 years.

Below are some quotes from our volunteers who have interacted with Jai –

“Thanks for keeping us in touch. Thank you so much for arranging the zoom meeting for prison visitors. It was great to meet up with everyone and to see your smiling face again Jahangir”
Sue Webb – Bereavement Support Worker

“We are all so grateful for the love and care and support you give to prisoners and staff alike. We just keep you in our prayers”
Judith Henshaw – Angel Tree / Mass / Steppingstones

“It was wonderful meeting you, you certainly made my day and I’m guessing others too, feel reconnected and updated with a very special Chaplain”
Angie Lovell – Bereavement Support Worker

Jai also has a lot of external engagement, he has been working with Himaya Haven which are a Birmingham based organisation that concentrates on working with Black, Asian and Minority Ethic Communities and specialise in supporting families of loved ones in custody and prison. Jai has been working with the organisation for 2 years, he champions collaboration and community engagement, his enthusiasm never wanes and encourages others who are a part of the organisation.

Jai is also heavily involved in counter terrorism work, he came into post at HMPPS post 9/11 terrorist attack when it was an incredibly difficult time as a Muslim, especially as an Imam. Jai has been involved with CT work nationally for over a decade. An opportunity arose for Jai to work on a project working alongside the Muslim Advisor at Chaplaincy HQ. The project consisted of information gathering and development of a manual which would be used to counter extremist narrative via intervention. A significant amount of dedication and research went into the project which included specialist training both in the UK and Egypt. Jai also is heavily involved in the Joint Extremism Unit (JEXU) and leads on the Desistence and Disengagement Programme. He is very pro-active in seeking ways to engage with the TACT prisoners at Swinfen Hall to build key influential and supportive relationships.

Jai has built strong links with Himaya Haven who applied for and secured funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund – Himaya Haven expressed a desire to work with Swinfen Hall on a Heritage Art Pilot Project – in their own words they were really impressed with how well Jai engaged with them, compared to other establishments which is why they reached out to him personally. The project which was led by Jai has been a great success.

Finally Jai is a key member of the Muslim Chaplains Association (MCA); he plays a crucial role in co-ordinating the work of all the regional assistants. His commitment, passion and dedication to his work is an inspiration to all members of the MCA. The National Chairperson (Talha Ahmed) has stated “we are very pleased and lucky to have him, thank you Swinfen for allowing him to do this important work”.

Overall, Jai is an exceptional individual who continues to amaze his colleagues. His consistent approach, support, dedication and general aura makes him a very special member of staff for all of HMPPS which is why he is more than deserving to be recognised for the Butler Trust Awards.

Sign off

The nomination was signed off by the Acting Governor, Emma Dyer.

Jai is an outstanding leader within the SLT at Swinfen Hall; not only does he manage a busy function which is short staffed he is also co-ordinator for over 100 volunteers and carries out an extra role working with prisoners convicted of extremist offences in other establishments. This work takes Jai away from his young family as it usually involves travelling long distance which is testament to his drive and passion in the work he completes. More recently Jai has also been involved in developing an extremism intervention programme, assisting in delivering training. All of this work he completes alongside his own full time post within Swinfen.

Jai has dealt with a very difficult personal bereavement in the last 12 months but this has never stopped his hard working nature and caring attitude to supporting both staff and prisoners alike. Jai is an approachable and caring member of the SLT who everyone feels comfortable talking to and he always goes out of his way to check on the wellbeing of others.

In the last few months we unfortunately had a death in custody at Swinfen and Jai, despite his recent personal bereavement, provided outstanding support to staff, prisoners and the family, travelling down south to attend the funeral. The family were incredibly grateful for the support he offered during and after the death of their Son.

Jai maintains high standards of compassion and care, he completes his duties with complete compassion and dedication. These are just a few examples of why I believe Jai deserves this award and recognition for all the work he does.