HUMPHREY AGBUKOR (London Probation)

HUMPHREY AGBUKOR (London Probation)
AWARD WINNER 2024-25: Humphrey receives an Award, as a Probation Officer in London, for his unwavering commitment to rehabilitation, and dedication to changing the lives of the people in his care, as well as for the support and inspiration he provides to colleagues – he is “outstanding” and “a joy to have around”.
[Humphrey’s Award is supported by Mitie Care & Custody.]
This nomination was completed by Emma Connor (Head of Service, Southwark Delivery Unit)
This nomination highlights Humphrey Abukor’s commitment to rehabilitative work; his determination to transform the lives of those released from prison into the Probation community. He is passionate about the re-integration of Persons on Probation into mainstream life, ensures that his public protection decisions are supported by evidence and are fair and impartial and is supportive of his colleagues both within and external to London Probation. He clearly exhibits the ideals and values of this organisation.
Nomination Details
Example 1
The first two recommendations are the most important since they were submitted by Persons on Probation who have worked with Humphrey and took the time to e-mail his Line Manager to comment on their experience.
“Through the whole course of my probation supervision it was a pleasure to have Humphrey Agbukor as my assigned supervisor. He was very considerate with me when I had a lot of troubles going on in my life and would almost be like a therapist, always telling me that he sees me doing better things. This really helped my mental health and also allowed me to pursue a better life. In the time I have been on Probation I went on to get a job with Sainsburys which I still have to this day and I am also studying an engineering course level 3 at Stratford College. I am very happy with myself as are my friends and family, as I am pursuing a better career for myself. I definitely know that I will never come into contact with Police nor would I come back to Probation again. I know this so strong because I’m either working or studying and when I finish my studies in August I’ll have a job with Network Rail. I just want to give a huge thanks to Humphrey for his patience and professionalism; without him and my family to support me maybe I wouldn’t be in the position I am today. I know Humphrey will go on to teach a lot of younger people that they can do the same thing and get on with their life. I am quite sad to not be seeing Humphrey again but at the same time very happy I completed my probation supervision with flying colours! And maybe when I get older I can come back to Probation and talk to younger people so they can have a better understanding and also see that if a person from South London can do it we all can do it!”
“I’m writing today about my journey since I’ve been released from prison and my progression during my probation period with Humphrey. It wasn’t an easy start as I was on electronic curfew and was limited to how I could use my time. With further discussion I was able to adjust my curfew to later hours which allowed me to work and use the studio to further my music career. This has allowed me to focus and realise I never needed to do crime to succeed. All I had to do was work hard at something I really wanted. It also helped me improve the way I ration my time towards things in my day to day. I would like to thank him and everyone that helped me during the way, and I hope to keep making myself proud and everyone around me”.
Example 2
Humphrey is a highly respected member of Southwark PDU, always extending greetings and warmth towards his colleagues. Since Re-unification, Humphrey’s caseload has steadily increased with High and Very High Risk cases presenting at MAPPA L2 and L3. Thankfully, due to his wealth of knowledge about the Probation landscape he is able to use innovative techniques when working on these complex cases. Humphrey has recently been working with a Very High Risk RSO release, the case managed at MAPPA L3 and considered for CPPC. Humphrey’s engagement with the Person on Probation prior to release allowed for a seamless transition from custody to Approved Premises. He took care to provide reasons (based on evidence and in the interest of risk management) to the Person on Probation who questioned the conditions of release. Humphrey demonstrated excellent multi-agency work with Community Mental Health Teams to secure a move-on address for the Person on Probation at a supported accommodation. The level of implementation work led to this case being brought down to MAPPA L2.
During the recent MAPPA L3 about this Person on Probation, both Chairs and other members of the multi agency panel commented about Humphrey’s approach and management of this extremely complex case. The Police Chair said, “The way you have managed this Person on Probation and the professional relationship you have built with this man is everything that is positive about the Probation Service. Prior to his release we were all extremely concerned about the risk posed by this Person on Probation. Not only have you managed his risk to an exemplary standard, but you have also earned his trust and built a relationship which has focused on his strengths and enabled and empowered this man to move forward in a significant way, in a short space of time”.
A further example of Humphrey’s positive and selfless attitude was demonstrated when he took over a High Risk EDS release from a colleague. The relationship between the Person on Probation and the Probation Practitioner assigned to him had become strained. Humphrey agreed to take on this additional case, citing the importance of his colleagues’ well-being and also giving the Person on Probation the opportunity to build a positive relationship with an officer in the community. Humphrey is an officer that treats everyone he encounters with respect, his decision making is grounded in Person on Probation welfare and public protection and he represents the service in the most positive way possible.
Example 3
In January 2024, Humphrey was awarded Colleague of the Month for Southwark PDU.
His colleague within the PDU said “Humphrey Agbukor is an outstanding colleague who is always supportive regardless of his own commitments. He possesses a wealth of knowledge which PQiPs, practitioners and managers greatly benefit from. He also provides a listening ear and is a voice of reason. Humphrey provides the right balance of support and enforcement with his People on Probation; and his interviews with them make for interesting listening. He should be cloned! I should also add that Humphrey is entertaining and brings light relief to what is often an intense environment. He is a joy to have around.”
Humphrey is an inspirational Probation Officer, his dedication is infectious and his commitment to the role, his colleagues, London Probation and most importantly, the People on Probation he works with is to be highly commended.