Celebrating and promoting the best in UK prisons, probation and youth justice

DEBBIE WOOD (East Midlands Probation)

DEBBIE WOOD (East Midlands Probation)

COMMENDEE 2024-25: Debbie’s Commendation is for her years of skilled, caring and dedicated work as a Probation Officer in Leicester, the relationships she has built with partner agencies to improve offender outcomes, her unrivalled knowledge and skill in housing support, and the help and guidance she gives to colleagues.

This nomination was completed by Martin Davies (Regional Probation Director)


Nomination for years of dedication and hard work with offenders, building relationships with partner agencies and outstanding housing support knowledge and practice.

Nomination Details

Debbie joined the probation service in February 1999, she spent a large part of her career working in approved premises but in recent years she has been a part of the IOM Team. Debbie specialises in providing housing support primarily to IOM managed cases but she is frequently called upon by other teams in the PDU with any complex or urgent accommodation needs, this benefits not only the individual but helps officers to manage risk. Debbie goes above and beyond daily to engage with people, making them feel safe and listened to while also providing practical support with benefits, collecting and delivering food parcels etc. Debbie has worked hard to gain a vast knowledge of housing legislation and to build strong relationships with local housing providers and landlords, this gives the people we work with better chances to find suitable, long term accommodation. Her support doesn’t end with just practical tasks, her dedication throughout her career too doesn’t stop and she has a way of engaging with those most hard to reach, a skill which demonstrates her belief in people to support them to change. Debbie will find a way to engage them, whether it is about their favourite food, football or another small personal detail. Debbie then remembers this, relaying it back to them, making them feel valued and listened to. It has been known on more than one occasion that she will turn up and meet people on the day of release with their favourite chocolate bar at the ready, she takes note of small things which can be so important to build strong, trusting relationships and is one thing which sets her apart from others.

Her skills and knowledge regarding housing is second to none and she is often called upon by others to assist with time critical housing issues, Debbie understands risk and never forgets this, she has never lost sight of her desire to help people that we are working with. There are countless people she has been responsible for securing housing for.

A recent case SC, was released from prison in January 24, he has been in and out of prison for many years and Debbie first met him as a resident at the AP. He had been released previously but due to previous trauma and mental health problems he had been recalled, prior to his re-release Debbie started to contact him using email a prisoner service. We knew it would be difficult securing housing on release due to previous arson offences, SC was very suspicious of professionals, feeling he had been let down previously. He was currently stable so Debbie capitalised on this and engaged with his com and social care. Debbie got his belongings from the ap, picked him up from prison with a colleague (choccy in hand, making him smile), SC was anxious having only spent very short periods out before re-offending to go back where he felt safe (prison). Debbie has remained a constant with him and with her help & knowledge of housing system he moved to supported temporary housing & recently into his own tenancy. She didn’t stop there & supported him by applying for grants & finding community groups, projects he could join, he has been in the community for the longest time & his home is now his safe place. This is just one example of her going above and beyond with people she is working with, she can often be found at a new project, at a charity or looking for new ways to get people engaged and working with her.

There are countess people from inside and out of probation who Debbie has helped, staff members and people from external agencies all who champion the work Debbie does, she really changes lives & makes a huge difference to everyone she works with, this application is supported by everyone in LLR PDU.

From Dawn Williams (Leicester City Council):

She deserves it and more than anyone I can think of. Debbie is special and I think it is something noticed by the offenders. Her determination to improve the lives of offenders is honourable and very special. She never gives up and is a great advocate for the offender. She is rarely phased by what she hears and see and can be counted on to deliver what is necessary to move a case forward.  Debbie is rightly loved by us all because she is honest and caring. I could not think of anyone who deserves this honour more.

From Priya Birring (Team Leader, Adullam Homes Housing Association):

Debbie is one of the best people I have worked with, always available when or if I require support with any of my residents she works with.

Debbie absolutely deserves this award, she is committed, approachable, caring and always goes above and beyond to support myself and my team as well as the residents, thank you Debbie for all your hard work over the years. You are much appreciated.

From Ellen Hodgins (Probation Officer, Young Adults Team, Leicester):

I can’t think of anyone more deserving. Debbie Wood is an absolute heroine in the Probation world. Her capacity to problem solve, often at the eleventh hour and with the most challenging of cases is legendary; we’d honestly be lost without her.

From Hannah Tilley (Senior Probation Officer, Leicester):

Debbie has recently supported my team with some emergency housing work, this is in spite of her not working in my team. This was linked to an IPP who found themself homeless and Debbie was able to work with the council in order to get accurate information. In this case two councils were involved and neither were taking responsibility, the Person on Probation and the OM were being passed around and getting nowhere, causing much frustration. She was able to liaise with the councils and highlight which council had the local authority – this then enabled us to support the case in terms of his housing application and referrals. Debbie is a fantastic member of staff and she is able to engage the most challenging of people – she has managed to support a very disgruntled Person on Probation in my team to engage in the housing process, and this is the only time he has engaged with any Probation Staff to date. She has a unique talent in being able to support people, and they take that support and gain from it. Debbie certainly goes above and beyond her role, and she makes things happen that you think cannot be changed. She is most deserving of this award as she truly is a hidden hero and there is not enough words to say how amazing she is, and how much impact she has on the lives of People on Probation as well as the support she provides her colleagues.