Celebrating and promoting the best in UK prisons, IRCs, probation and youth justice



David and Michaela

COMMENDEES 2023-24: Prison Officer, David, and Michaela, an Instructor, are Commended for their impact – described as “remarkable” by the Prisons & Probation Ombudsman – on the confidence, behaviour, and mental health of some of the most complex men in the prison, through their RESTART workshop in HMP Stafford.

David & Michaela’s nomination

Initial Recommendation

David & Michaela were initially recommended by: Michael Owers (Industries, HMP Stafford)

RESTART – Reintegrated Environment Striving To Achieve Results Together; a workshop within HMP Stafford for 55 prisoners, set up to address a significant rise in cases of self-harm, severe mental health issues and social isolation. Officer Dave Adamson and Instructor Michaela Fennell-Hyden are described as ‘truly inspirational’ working with hard-to-reach individuals to find self-belief, confidence and constructive ways of dealing with their emotions whilst gaining skills and qualifications for their future.

Prison and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) Adrian Usher visited HMP Stafford recently and kindly wrote a summary of the workshop (they) “…designed a staged program of work…whom they then worked intensively. They overcome their initial scepticism and fear by being patient, compassionate and listening to the story behind the anger and anxiety. By valuing them in this way they enable them to take incremental positive steps forward. There were innumerable setbacks and challenges, but they remain determined and consistent with a refusal to give up on the program or on the men engaged with it.

The results described were incredibly impressive. They were able to demonstrate that many of the men slowly engaged with, and then valued, the program, dramatically improving their life chances when leaving prison. It was genuinely hard not to become emotional when I was told that one young man who had previously not engaged with anything the prison had offered, was confrontational with fellow prisoners and deeply distrusting of staff had been persuaded to join the program. Over time he confided details of childhood trauma and Michaela and David had helped him navigate the complex emotions he found hard to control. Nearly a year after release, this young man had telephoned the prison because he wanted them both to know that he had a partner, a job and was expecting a child.”

He explained “I know that it is probably unprecedented for the PPO to write in this way but that is perhaps further testament to how remarkable I found the encounter (in the workshop) – I am sure you are very proud of both of them.”

Results within the prison have been outstanding with IMB branding the programme as a ‘great success in turning around behaviour and engagement’. Dave and Michaela have addressed a huge variety of prisoner issues; agoraphobia, anxiety, anger, lack of hope, fear and mistrust, negative body issues, history of being bullied, abused, hygiene issues, injustice, severe lack of confidence and withdrawal are just some of the issues that they have helped prisoners to deal with, manage and overcome. This has been done through encouragement, consistency, use of humour, building of trust, accepting fears, providing a safe space, understanding triggers, providing short term goals and listening.

In turn, individuals have shown they can gain further employment, interact with their peer group, leave their wing on association periods, are no longer socially isolated, engaging with other activities and groups, speaking with staff to resolve issues rather than resorting to anti-social behaviour, reconnection and meaningful relationships with family and representing the workshop and establishment at Governing governors forums. Once back in the community the meaningful relationships continue, paid employment has been secured and the building of new relationships has been seen.

One ex-prisoner wrote; ‘Those 4 years in prison were a nightmare, I always felt I had to be this person I wasn’t yet you all were able to see through that act. I needed that kick up the backside at times and you gave it to me. I feel the person I am today sitting here writing this is different to that person who came into prison, all that is because of you who work in the workshop’.

This is a great example of what can be achieved by hard work, dedication, perseverance and compassion. This demonstrates how Dave and Michaela continue to change and improve the lives of others.

Sign off

The nomination was signed off by the Governor, Tyrienna Greenslade.

The Restart workshop initiative was formed when Dave and Michaela recognised that some men at HMP Stafford were struggling to access the opportunities available. Some of the men had never engaged with previous prison regimes either through behavioural issues, mental health illness or mistrust and refusal to engage. They are passionate about making a difference and engaging some of the hardest to reach men.

The positive impact that Dave and Michaela have on individuals is truly amazing and reaps rewards for the men in custody and upon release for the community they live in. This is an example of often unseen work that Prison Staff do that make a difference to the people in our care.

Michaela is second to none in her approach with prisoners as an Instructional Officer. She relates to prisoners with a genuine care and concern and shows them how they can progress within the prison and ultimately upon release, not only with their education and work abilities but also through family and significant other networks. She cares deeply about making a difference to those people she works with each day. She inspires prisoners to be the best they can be and guides and supports some of the most challenging men. She takes pride in all that she does and is respected by prisoners and her peers. At HMP Stafford we are extremely proud of the work that she continues to do along with the positive outcomes she contributes to, through the prisoners she works with. I am extremely proud of all that she achieves and she is deserving of far wider recognition for this.

Dave cares deeply about making a difference to those people he works with each day. He is an experienced, outstanding Officer who is professional, inspiring and takes pride in all that he does. Respected by prisoners and his peers, I feel extremely proud and lucky to have a Prison Officer such as Dave working at HMP Stafford making a difference on a daily basis.