Celebrating and promoting the best in UK prisons, IRCs, probation and youth justice

AIMEE JONES (HMP Manchester)

AIMEE JONES (HMP Manchester)

Aimee Jones

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Described by her Governor as “genuinely fabulous” and “relentlessly passionate”, Aimee’s Commendation is for her pivotal contribution, as the Prison Prevent Lead, to HMP Manchester’s approach to counter-terrorism, which has been highlighted by HMIP as a model of best practice.

Aimee’s nomination

Initial Recommendation

Aimee was initially recommended by: Alan Wright (Counter Terrorism Unit, HMP Manchester).

Since Aimee took up the role of Prison prevent Lead (PPL) she has proven herself to be an asset not only to the Counter Terrorism (CT) department but to the whole of HMP Manchester. Aimee has been 100% committed to making this role a success ensuring that she fully supports prisoners and staff. Aimee has been a key component in ensuring links were formed with all the relevant agencies both internal and external. This ensured our risk management assessments surrounding these CT prisoners was of the highest standards and shared appropriately which in turn assured us we were offering the most appropriate risk management whilst in custody and in preparation for release assisting the agencies that monitored them.

Aimee also undertook a CT degree in her own time to increase her working knowledge, so she ensured she had a better understanding of the complexities surrounding terrorism. One of the things Aimee introduced to assist in dealing with complex cases was the use of a therapy dog which she used with great success, this was also used on non-CT complex cases.

Testimonials (from HMP Manchester)

Aimee’s nomination included the following testimonials:

From the Senior Probation Officer:
“Aimee is highly committed to her role within the prison, working above and beyond what is expected to support not only staff but also prisoners to promote positive change in custody. Aimee is always approachable, and is a plethora of knowledge around multiple subjects, and she is always keen to support anyone in need.

Aimee has worked in several departments within the HMPPS estate and due to this is very knowledgeable about how each area works and how links between them are important, and is key within information sharing/chasing, especially when this links to risk of future offending. Aimee has hugely helped me develop my practice within my role in OMU and has been a key link within risk management, aiding in supporting safe releases to the community for some of the most complex cases I have worked with.

Aimee also offers a lot of support outside of her role, such as facilitating a support dog coming into the prison – this was a huge help to a number of prisoners and staff. Aimee has also helped families of prisoners within her role as a FLO following the death of a prisoner – Aimee did an amazing job within a very difficult role.

Aimee has made a huge difference to all colleagues who work with her and to the rehabilitation of prisoners and protection of the public, above and beyond that recognised by standard performance measures and is highly worthy of specific recognition through this prestigious award.”

 From Counter Terrorism Extremism and Interventions Advisor:
“Aimee shows an exceptional combination of qualities in skills that is rare and touches the lives of so many who have been fortunate to work alongside her. Firstly, she has an unwavering commitment to help all her colleagues with every need and challenge, professional and personal, always being there for her colleagues when they most need it without hesitation or exception. She offers practical support, offers moral support and ensures her colleagues from all departments are enabled to thrive and succeed.

Secondly, Aimee has an admirable ‘can do’ approach to any challenge and complexity that her work presents, including challenges generated by high risk complex prisoners, increases in workload, unexpected demands generated by incidents and staff shortages and shortfalls.

Thirdly, Aimee has a noteworthy kindness and compassion to staff and prisoners and is a true champion of equality and decency in every aspect of her behaviour, treating everyone with utmost respect, trying to understand the needs and experiences of those from different backgrounds to her and going out of her way to meet the needs of all her colleagues. One of so many examples was when she fasted the whole of Ramadhan in solidarity with her Muslim colleagues and another was when she ensured that all snacks in the staff offices always included options suited for colleagues with particular health needs. She instinctively thinks of others before she thinks of herself and makes practical efforts every day to include all others without even raising awareness to such efforts.

Fourthly, Aimee is very diligent in the quality and depth of her work and conscientiously invests extra effort in producing all her work to the highest level and best quality. Her diligence extends to time and effort in that not only is she always committed to quality of work and reliable completion but she will ensure that it is always on schedule even when competing demands mean that she stays at work for much longer hours than she is paid or detailed to, to ensure all her work is done no matter what additional demands present themselves.

Finally, Aimee is a people’s person who has managed to integrate CT into every department in the prison and to enlist the input of all relevant staff in the prison to inform the management of CT prisoners. She has helped to build bridges between staff from different groups and between CT prisoners and staff from all departments, which in turn has contributed to greater resilience against CT threats in prison, to the excellent feedback from the CT inspection and to staff from all departments feeling much more confident in their work with complex, high-risk, high-profile prisoners.

In summary, Aimee is not only an all-round exceptional member of the CT team and HMPPS, but she shows an exceptional mix and range of qualities and does so with such consistency, without asking for anything in return or even recognising her exceptionality. She has made a huge difference to all colleagues who work with her and to the rehabilitation of prisoners and protection of the public, above and beyond that recognised by standard performance measures and is highly worthy of specific recognition through this prestigious award.”

Sign off

The nomination was signed off by the Governor, Rob Knight.

Aimee is an outstanding member of our team at HMP Manchester. She is exceptionally hard working and dedicated to her work and excels in everything she is asked to do. Her work has transformed the way my local CT team operate and has managed to link all the CT work done by the CT team with our frontline colleagues, creating a partnership that manages the risk these men pose brilliantly.

I know it was already mentioned in the nomination, but HMP Manchester was the only prison specifically highlighted for best practice by His Majesty’s Inspector for Prisons on the CT Thematic Review, and much of this is due to Aimee’s work. On top of this Aimee volunteers to be an FLO (Family Liaison Officer), working with families of deceased and dying prisoners, a gruelling and difficult role. She also represents the HM Prison Service as a member of the national women’s rugby team.

She is genuinely fabulous, relentlessly passionate about her work and truly deserves recognition for the difference she makes.