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HARRY ROSE (HMP Manchester)

HARRY ROSE (HMP Manchester)

COMMENDEE 2011-12: Officer Rose is described as a “remarkable individual” whose professionalism and dedication has made a real difference to the management and care of offenders at HMP Manchester.


[Harry Rose gives his account of the work for which he was awarded a Commendation]

My Commendation was received for Initiating an Under 12 Month Sentenced Sentence Planning & Risk Assessment process. Having conducted a Needs Analysis, Evaluation & ‘Pilot Project’ for Managing Under 12 Month Sentenced Prisoner, Trial & Remand: I implemented a ‘transitional’ process which enabled this cohort to be Risk Assessed, Screened & Sentence Planned. This incorporated support provisions for these individuals during custody & upon release, directing them to appropriate interventions & services which encourage & empower social inclusion and integration.

Under 12 Month Sentenced Prisoners – Needs & Risk Assessment Process

As Senior Officer within the Offender Management Unit at HMP Manchester and having experience and knowledge of managing offenders across the service. I fully aware of the lack of support and resources provided for those offender’s serving under 12 month sentences; not withstanding the difficulties, challenges and exclusions faced by this ‘Revolving Door’  group.

During 2010 a ‘Pilot’ Basic Custody Screening Tool (BCS) and Layer ‘1’ OASys Assessment took place in Yorkshire & North Humberside, to evaluate proposed changes & processes for those serving Under 12 Months Sentences, this also included Trial & Remand Prisoners.

Having observed the difficulties, complexities and resource implications attributed to managing this cohort, I developed an amalgamation of a locally adapted (In-House) and proposed Layer ‘1’ OASys, which would provide an ‘interim’ arrangement to manage this specific group. It was imperative the HMP Manchester adaptation incorporate:

  • Main principals of the ‘Pilot’
  • HMCIP Expectations
  • North West Area Vision & Strategic Plan 2010 – 2013
  • Proposed OASys Layer ‘1’ BCS recommendations & timelines.
  • In developing and establishing an adapted ‘In-House’ Screening & Assessment Tool, it was essential that effective integration and collaboration should:
  • Involve Private & Third Sector
  • Focus on effective local engagement
  • Improve Management of Risk
  • Improve outcomes for offenders
  • Make best use of resources
  • Assess & evaluate prospective needs for client
  • Identify necessary resources
  • The Demands for Managing this cohort.
  • The infrastructure should lend itself to the effective management of this process

The Screening, Assessment and evaluation should also include the following aspects:

  • Eliminate duplication
  • Fulfil the requirements of Initial Allocation & Categorisation
  • Empower the individual to engage in Sentence Planning
  • Promote & support ‘change’.
  • Inform offenders of those Service Provisions available.
  • Desist from anti-social & pro-criminal activity
  • Underpinned by Reducing Re-offending Pathways
  • Enable transition to OASys ‘R’ Assessment System
  • Ensure a ‘Single Point of Contact’.
  • Ensure the “timely sharing of information” with Staff, Agencies & Departments
  • Provide a client ‘feedback’ questionnaire, for evaluation.

Discharge Carousel (Infrastructure)

Having reviewed the Pre-release / discharge arrangements, consulted the Discharge Group, liaised with essential personnel, conducted an evaluation and presented a proposed business case for a dedicated ‘Discharge Carousel’ (facilitated within the Offender Management Interview & Assessment Centre), the Head of Learning & Skills & Senior Management Team endorsement the benefit this initiative would provide all key stakeholders and offenders.

The ‘Discharge Carousel’ provided the opportunity for Key Stakeholders to interview, collate & obtain information and address necessary needs ‘6 Weeks prior to release:

  • Discharge Co-ordinator
  • Housing Provider
  • Job Centre Plus
  • Chaplaincy
  • ETE
  • Carats Dept
  • Under 12 Month Co-ordinator
  • Other Agencies or Third Sector Organisations

Prisoner Notification

Essential to this process, was to ensure that each Offender was clearly notified that he was required to attend the Offender Management Unit ‘Interview & Assessment Centre’.

“Notification Slips” were generated by OMU Case Administration who would identify (via C:Nomis) all offenders serving Under 12 Month Sentences whom had ‘6’ weeks left to serve (for that week).

Notifications were distributed to the residential areas specifying the time, date and agency/s requesting contact. (Notifications also integrated other Departments, i.e. OMU)

Additional email notifications are provided to Residential Movement Co-ordinators.

Designated interview sessions / days were provided for Own Protection / Vulnerable and Ordinary Prisoners.

Implementation Process

The Under 12 Month Sentenced Co-ordinators role was able to be subsumed within the current Offender Management Unit resource with support from a Case Administrator.

The following methodology was implemented to collate, identify and support the process:

  • Each day the Co-ordinator (Offender Supervisor) checks the new Reception List for those offenders Serving Under 12 months, on Remand, Trial and Un-convicted.
  • New receptions Names are placed onto a dedicated Database which records specific, but not duplicitous information (see fields of information).
  • Individual File initiated for each prisoner (unless serving less-than-three-months), containing Pre-sentence Reports, Pre-convictions and any other documentation / information. (Only sentenced).
  • Prisoner interviewed within ‘5’ days of reception
  • The Co-ordinator collates any early intervention arrangements made with depts / agencies (C:Nomis & Induction), recording this contact to the individuals file.
  • The Co-ordinator interviews the New Reception (within ‘3’ days) collating detailed information, raising any necessary referrals and ensuring Index Offence and Critical Factors attributed to offending behaviour are covered.
  • In the event a ‘Significant Factor’ has not been address or the individual requests a specific intervention the Co-ordinator will ensure a referral is made and recorded.
  • Any updates, changes or significant events are also recorded, which may affect ‘Risk’, pre or post release concerns.
  •  At the ‘6’ Week prior to release point, the Co-ordinator interviews the offender again (see Discharge Carousel / OMU Interview & Assessment Centre) to collate and update information & ensure completion of interventional work, as identified, or identify any further areas of need or risk.

The ‘6’ Week Discharge Board facility, provides additional opportunity to:

  1. Promote additional services
  2. Motivate individuals to engage
  3. Follow-up on referrals
  4. Re-assess ‘Risk’ factors

Offender Sentence Planning File

Each offender Serving an Under 12 Month Sentence has a dedicated file / dossier. Generated by the Case Admin support, this Sentence Planning file ensures specific information is gathered, i.e. previous OASys Assessment, Pre-Convictions, Court or Probation Reports, any DELIUS Information / print-outs.

A Screening sheet records:

  • Name
  • Number
  • DOB
  • Current Offence
  • Other Offences
  • Security Category
  • Date of Sentence
  • Length of Sentence
  • Release date
  • Initial Interview date
  • Discharge interview date
  • If HDC
  • Re-Offending Pathway concerns

Offenders Serving Under 3 Months

For those Offenders serving Under 3 Month Sentences the corresponding process is applied, however, due to time-remaining-in-custody management for this group may only permit limited resources, ‘risk’ assessment and contact. Offenders within this range have an adapted / condensed Sentence Plan & Review procedure.

As the ‘6’ week discharge interview is not practical, a Basic Screening & Risk Assessment is applied and referrals expedited.

Additional Information

  • Offenders volunteer for the Choose Change Project are flagged accordingly, with all related assessments directed to the project. The Co-ordinator also promotes the Choose Change Project and may refer any offender as necessary (criteria).
  • Audit compliance should be maintained throughout, and in support of devolved performance levels and targets with each Agency or Department.

‘In House’ Assessment process:

  • Supports current services
  • Inform offenders
  • Assess the collective needs of individuals
  • Communicates & Shares information between Offender, Agencies & OMU
  • Prioritizes needs and Risk & addresses any changes in circumstances etc
  • Ensures effective collaboration
  • Measures outcomes

Data & Information Sharing

The Under 12 Month Sentenced ‘Data base’ is updated daily and placed onto the P:Drive. This enables Residential Staff, Internal Departments, Agencies and other Voluntary Organisations within the establishment to access data and filter information as required.

Ending each calendar month those offenders released are filtered as discharged / released.

Any released prisoner files are placed in their Core Record (F2050).

In the event an incident occurs with an offender serving Under 12 Months, information, Risk assessments and any other current Offender Management information is available to Security, Incident Command, Chaplaincy, Safer Custody and other departments as necessary.


[The following article appeared in issue 4 of the Butler Trust’s magazine, Inspire]

Harry Rose’s reputation for improving working practices that affect both offenders and members of staff made him the perfect choice as main lead in HMP Manchester’s ‘Choose Change’ project – an exciting multi-agency partnership that provides hands-on support and guidance to prisoners who are serving less than a year in prison. The project supports them through the gate and for up to three months after release. Harry’s enthusiasm has driven the project and embraced its challenges, developing the many external contacts that make it work.

Recognised by his governor as a ‘remarkable individual’ with an ‘innovative and creative work ethic’, Harry’s work with prisoners – particularly those with short sentences – has been far reaching. He has set up systems and protocols to make sure they can access services more easily and has worked with Public Protection to ensure fair and objective case management. His development of discharge planning has done much to ensure offenders have their personal needs scoped before they are released.

Harry’s management style involves talking to offenders and colleagues constantly to find out what works well and how the establishment can take account of diverse needs. His innovative ideas have led to improvements such as better screening of individuals in custody, to make sure they have appropriate interventions and support. Through setting up a ‘six week discharge interview board’ he has contributed to reducing reoffending, linking with Jobcentre Plus and local employees to provide support on employment and benefits. By working with HMP Manchester’s Prison Link Group, he has also contributed to preventing offenders from becoming homeless while in custody.

His work with the Public Protection Unit (PPU) has helped it achieve monitoring systems that IOCCO inspectors called ‘outstanding’ and ‘best ever seen’. Beyond the methodical planning and meticulous detail that characterise the many projects he drives, Harry is much valued by colleagues for his cheerful demeanour and integrity, and in supporting his commendation his governor called him an inspiration.

For more information: contact HMP Manchester