KEVIN CARBERRY (Low Moss Prison)

KEVIN CARBERRY (Low Moss Prison)
COMMENDEE 2024-25: Kevin is granted a Commendation, as Recovery Officer at HMP Low Moss, for his inspirational work in supporting prisoners’ recovery from drug and alcohol dependence and mental illness, including turning an unused plumbing shed into the ‘Small Beans Café’ to assist them in their journey.
Initial Recommendation
This nomination followed an initial recommendation from Leighann Ross, Offender Outcomes Officer
Kevin has been the driving force behind the creation of the Small Beans Café within HMP Low Moss, a recovery space that provides the individuals in our care with an area to express themselves without judgement. In March 2023, Kevin beat off stiff competition to secure the new role of Recovery Officer and that was when his vision was borne. His vision was to fully address the needs of those in our care by strengthening existing practices and creating a dedicated area for those navigating through their recovery journey. Kevin led the transformation of an empty ‘plumbing shed’ into what can only be described as a thriving, welcoming area with a ‘café feel’ that is serving the needs of those in our care.
He has worked relentlessly with those in our care since creating this space to see what works for them and what they need in order to make their recovery journey successfully. With the backing of Senior Management, a barista coffee machine was purchased to mirror the community and to allow a flow of communication between individuals. Training was provided for Kevin and a colleague, and this is now imparted to individuals who attend the café.
Kevin has created a therapeutic environment, bringing in different outside agencies to address the wide range of needs, giving residents the opportunity to find out what works to create change for them. I have worked with Kevin for a number of years and have watched him go the extra mile for individuals on more than one occasion. He will make time not just to speak to individuals about recovery, but if something is weighing them down, he will offer solutions or just a friendly ear.
When he took up his role, he prioritised visiting individual rehabilitation units in order to achieve a more person-centred approach when completing the prison to rehabilitation paperwork for individuals, helping to make it more successful for them upon their release.
Kevin has organised various events such as quizzes, comedians, The Cube to name a few. These events have not just been centred around recovery, but he has linked them with mental health to raise awareness and break down the stigma.
Kevin has also boosted morale around the prison with those in our care and built rapport between staff and prisoners by breaking down barriers. Kevin is continually striving to make the recovery area in HMP Low Moss even better for the individuals in our care and never looks for praise, just that it’s a safe area for people to access recovery without judgement. He is passionate, caring and someone who inspires others to go above and beyond, just like he does on a daily basis.
Supporting Documentation
Kevin is enthusiastic and knowledgeable in equal measure and continually looks out for the best interest of the people in our care with the aim of helping them to secure a positive outcome. Kevin knew he could not create the recovery café single handedly and he set out building relationships across the establishment. This initially included gaining the backing from his line manager and negotiating the scope of delegated autonomy to develop the area and start working on the topics he felt would benefit people in our care. He created a single point of contact email group to allow referrals to be made from staff and agencies, making access as easy as possible. Kevin worked closely with the NHS Harm Reduction staff to ascertain what areas they were targeting, to prevent duplication of services and he used his contacts within the 3rd sector to gauge their enthusiasm to bring their services into the establishment.
Knowing that the café was all about what mattered to those in our care, Kevin involved the residents at an early stage and listened to what they wanted. He set up a ‘Café Committee’ that included those in our care who were seeking recovery and who wanted to help others. This helped to create a ‘joint ownership’ mindset between staff and residents and encouraged full participation. The committee decided on the layout of the Small Beans Café and suggested topics that could be addressed. Kevin allowed the flow of ideas and suggestions but tempered these with the voice of realism. The Cafe targets a number of key areas which include a population who are stigmatised by coming into prison and the addictions they have, the complexity of their individual needs, the rise in people in our care with mental health issues, whether through addiction or diagnosed, and people who have been affected by trauma. Kevin built the cafe on the premise of 10 sessions, working closely with existing partners from Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and a 3rd sector partner, We Are With You (WAWY). The support they provided was key to bringing Kevins vision to life. CA partners brought their experience of delivery groups in the community and mirrored what happens outside.
Additional Information
Sessions commenced and grew in popularity with groups of up to 20 attending, this gave Kevin the confidence to approach his managers to bring alternative partners into the Cafe. There are now a diverse group of partners attending the Cafe, including SISCO who deliver a structured ‘School of Recovery’ to the wider prisoner population, Narcotics and Alcohol Anonymous partners who now attend to allow the wider prisoner population further opportunities to address their needs and provide support in the community on release from custody.
The partnership between the Café and NHS partners allowed the signposting of individuals to appropriate services to allow them to ‘dip their toe’ in addressing their recovery issues. Kevin has also encouraged a range of different interventions eg Creative Change Collective who are a drama based recovery group who use drama to address addiction issues.
The programme culminates with a theatre production for people in our care and their families. These productions have allowed the participants to gain self-confidence and the tools to continue their journey. Scottish Recovery Consortium are another resource in the café; they deliver peer mentor training to allow trained prisoners the opportunity to mentor their peers and allow the peers to remain substance free and travel their own Recovery journey. The hope is that by giving individuals in our care the opportunity to peer mentor, it will assist them in gaining employment or volunteer in the Recovery field.
All these groups have a focal point in them, and that is Kevin. He welcomes all individuals into the Small Beans whether people with lived or living experiences or individuals seeking recovery. The implementation and planning of the groups coming into the establishment is a large piece of work, when coupled with the individual assessing of people who want to attend the groups, and the successful delivery of this is testimony to the organisational skills of Kevin.
Kevin’s work has enabled 7 people in our care in 2023 to use the Scottish Prison to Rehab Scheme. The figures are even more impressive this year with five so far in 2024. The success of the Small Beans Café and the Recovery officer role has provided evidence to secure finance for a second Recovery Officer role. Both Recovery officers will work together to address other areas of need e.g. individuals who are regularly taking substances, endangering themselves and others, 1-1 work with individuals.
The testimonies of participants and family members demonstrates the affect that our Recovery Officer, Kevin, is having on those in our care. The following testimonies are from people in our care who use the Recovery Cafe: Prisoner 1: I was in a really bad place before the start-up of the Recovery Cafe. I would self harm regularly, had a really strained relationship with my mum and thought life wasn’t worth living. Attending the Recovery Cafe has been a lifeline for me. I have stopped cutting myself and thanks to Kevin’s intervention, I now have a great relationship with my mum. Kevin has a heart of gold, really listens to what you have to say and goes out his way to help you. I can’t speak highly enough of him, he’s changed my life. I have been in and out of prison for 17 years and I have never met anyone like Kevin, he deserves recognition for what he is doing. Prisoner 2: Kevin is the best Officer. I’ve had alcohol addiction for years and I have been sober for the last eight months and I want to remain sober. Kevin has really given me a chance. I was so scunnered, but Kevin gave me a passman job. The success of the Cafe is all down to Kevin, I have a lot of respect for him as he talks to people and listens to what they have to say. I have spent 22.5 years out of the last 23 years in prison, and for the first time ever I can see a life for myself outside prison. Kevin has been successful in arranging Prison to Rehab for people who have been liberated and he is organising it for me for when I get out in September. He makes me feel valued for the first time in my life.
Sign Off
I am delighted that Kevin Carberry has been nominated for this prestigious award by a member of his peer group. Kevin has been involved from inception, implementation and has fully embedded the culture of Recovery in a short period within HMP Low Moss. The Small Beans Cafe has in excess of 100 individuals attending sessions per week. Prior to implementation, the ‘old tired work shed’ had been a plumber’s station with only approximately 10 individuals attending on a weekly basis. The environment has been re-invigorated at very little cost and is now a thriving centre. The outcomes of those individuals who attend have improved significantly. There has been an increase in partner organisations attending the prison to deliver substance misuse treatment and intervention. Peer supporter numbers and 1-1 support for individuals in the residential area has also improved and the level of stigma associated with dependency is beginning to change. I see a confident Prison Officer thriving in role and also prisoners whose self-awareness, confidence and hope, both within the prison and for release, has increased.
Karen Norrie
Governor, HMP Low Moss