CRAIG PERRY (Bullingdon Prison)

CRAIG PERRY (Bullingdon Prison)
COMMENDEE 2024-25: Craig, a Probation Services Officer at HMP Bullingdon, is Commended for his work, in a voluntary capacity, as Veterans in Custody Lead. The passion he brings to the role, and the impact he has, have been praised by the Chief Inspector of Prisons and across the jail.
Initial Recommendation
This nomination followed an initial recommendation from Natalie Outram, Senior Probation Officer
Craig is a Probation Service officer in the Pre-Release Team at HMP Bullingdon. In addition to his day to day role, he is the Veterans in Custody lead for the prison. This is entirely voluntary, but Craig regularly goes the extra mile in his role. He identifies veterans who have self-declared and provides additional support to this group of prisoners. He has lived experience of the difficulties people face when starting a new life post military service being ex-Army himself. On a professional level he is able to recognise the triggers that may lead to ex-military personnel turning to offending. He has designed a pack that is issued to all Veterans at HMP Bullingdon and has established a strong link with SSA, meaning prisoners can be given additional support post release.
Additionally, Craig has created a document that provides guidance for other HMPPS staff working with veterans in custody and he organises two highly renowned and successful events for Veterans and Prison Staff throughout the year, namely Armed Forces Day and Remembrance Day. For Armed Forces Day, Craig makes full use of his network of contacts and reputation to arrange a wonderful event for staff to celebrate and honour the armed forces, including a military band, military vehicles, displays of flags in insignia, representation of military charities, and afternoon tea. It is an enjoyable and memorable event for all taking part and raises monies for these worthy causes. The Remembrance service is a key part of our events calendar. Craigs puts together a moving and dignified service, along with members of the chaplaincy and colleagues who are also former service-people. All regional and local partner staff are invited. In recent years the grounds have been decorated with soldier silhouettes, flags and military vehicles, and the service is enhanced by a local choir and military bugler. Craig organises all of this himself and months in advance which takes a huge amount of time and organisation. He works with the chaplaincy to organise similar events for the prisoners within the prison. in 2023, Craig also arranged a Christmas Fair for staff, with stalls, festive food and music – all to raise monies for charity and raise awareness of military charities.
Craig also represents the Governor at regional SERFCA (Oxfordshire and Bucks Armed Forces briefing) each year, maintaining his networks and raising our profile in the community.
In the past Craig has also arranged for BFBS to interview staff with military backgrounds as part of a broadcast about HMPPS careers to support our recruitment.
It is important to recognise that Craig is extremely modest about the time and energy he spends on his role as Veterans in Custody Lead. He simply views it as the right thing to do and has a genuine, invested interest in ensuring services are available for Veterans.
Supporting Documentation
Email from HMPPS Veteran Lead
“Hi Craig, thank you so much for your informative presentation yesterday. Your passion really came across. Bullingdon is lucky to have such great support”
Email received from a CM Chris Grace (Veterans Lead) HMP Risley:
“Really good to meet you today, you’re doing some fantastic and inspirational work alongside your day job which is also very busy. It gives me a buzz when I meet people like you who are so selfless and dedicated to supporting the armed forces community, truly amazing Craig really fair play. Welcome for a visit here anytime, keep in touch”.
Invitation to speak at HMI All Staff Development Day 2023:
“I am writing to you on behalf of the Deputy Chief Inspector Martin Lomas who would like to invite you to speak at our next all-staff Development Day…..One of your ex-colleagues Emma King who now works at the inspectorate told us about your work at HMP Bullingdon. We were wondering whether you would be willing to speak about the work you are undertaking to support veterans both whilst they are serving their sentences and preparing them for release”.
Additional Information
The email below shows how impressed HMIP were with Craig:
Subject: Thank You
Dear Craig, Thank you so much for taking the trouble to come up to London and talk about the excellent work you are doing at Bullingdon – our staff come across veterans all the time and it was really good to understand more about the support systems that are in place and to know what to look out for on inspection.
It was obvious, that with your own service in the army you feel passionate about supporting your fellow former comrades
Thank you again,
Charlie Taylor
App received from a prisoner Craig supported (written verbatim)- May 2024:
“Thank you for taking the time to see me and checking on my welfare. It’s always good to talk to another Veteran that has experienced similar positive and negative life events. By the time you get this I will probably be getting released so I just wanted to assure you I will be fine and when needed I will reflect and utilise the self fortitude and resilience, we veterans possess to get me through any unforeseen scrapes or mishaps that may arise in the near future. So good luck to you as well in your very important supportive roll/position here at Bullingdon”.
These testimonies demonstrate the compassion, and passion, that Craig possesses in his role. He applies this on a daily basis not only to his day job but also his voluntary work as Veterans in Custody Lead. He takes great pride in his role, often putting in extra time outside of work to achieve the best possible outcomes and spread the word regarding support available for Veterans. His approach is one of understanding, calm and kindness. Staff and prisoners alike respect him for this attitude evidenced by the volunteers who assist him on days such as the Armed Forces Day as well as the number of people who attend such events.
It takes a unique person to have the drive and dedication for something, which often requires going above and beyond. Without Craig and his unbounded enthusiasm for this role, I doubt it would be as successful as it quite clearly is.
Sign Off
In a busy reception/resettlement prison like Bullingdon, Craig’s resettlement work has never been more important or more challenging. But it is for his role as veterans lead that he really stands out. He cares so deeply for this work and for the prisoners who have served and need his help and this allows him to relate to them in a way other staff can’t, strengthening our overall support for prisoners and their successful resettlement. The Armed Forces and Remembrance Day services that he organises mean so much to everyone involved, and do so much to raise awareness amongst staff who have no personal experience of military service. It also brings the staff community together in a unique and powerful way. He does much of this in his own time, making full use of his knowledge, experience and networks to outstanding effect. To receive a Butler Trust award would be a fitting honour for someone like Craig, who has done so much to honour and serve others.
Laura Sapwell
Governor, HMP Bullingdon