GERRY BOWMAN (Gateshead Youth Justice Service)

GERRY BOWMAN (Gateshead Youth Justice Service)
AWARD WINNER 2024-25: Gerry’s Award is for his tireless professionalism as a Youth Justice Worker with Gateshead Youth Justice Service. His support for colleagues, and his commitment towards, and ability to engage with, young people and their families, is widely praised – as one young person puts it, “he’s the man”.
[Gerry’s Award is supported by G4S Care & Rehabilitation Services.]
This nomination was completed by Emma Blackwell (Head of Gateshead YJS)
Gerry Bowman has supported young people and their families for over 23 years and I believe he deserves recognition for his tireless work.
Gerry has worked for Gateshead youth Justice Service for 23 years. Over this time, he has worked with 100’s if not thousands of young people and their families. In the past 12 months Gerry has supported some of our most complex young people who have committed serious violent offences. Gerry works with young people, families and professionals in a no nonsense way, he is dependable and trustworthy. Gerry deserves to be acknowledged for his hard work and determination to help young people make good decisions and avoid re-offending. Gerry’s professionalism and willingness to go above and beyond is unbelievable, he is honest and has integrity. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he is the biggest advocate for young people who are extremely vulnerable and experience difficult times. Gerry is not afraid to stand up for young people and ensure they have the access to services, this is especially important for our young people who do not have family support.
Nothing is a barrier to Gerry, he is a reflective person who spends time thinking about decisions he has made and how he can move forward in a positive way. Youth Justice is an area of work that continually develops. Gerry has adapted his practice to ensure that he is responsive to the needs of the young people he works with.
Gerry is a huge part of our team, he has supported and mentored a number of staff and has an excellent professional reputation. The amount of people who were willing to give testimonials in support of this application was enormous. Everyone was keen to show their support for Gerry and the impact he has had on them and the young people they have had in common. One of the biggest testimonials to Gerry is what young people said about him and how he has helped them. It is an honour and a pleasure to work with Gerry.
Nomination Details
Gerry’s contribution to the community has been massive, but don’t take my word for it, please take the word of our young people, parents, professionals and colleagues. Gerry is amazing and deserves the recognition for his tireless workover the past 23 years.
Young people and their families
Michael (Leon’s father):
Michael said that Gerry had worked with his brother William for a long time back in the day. He said that his mother (Jackie) “loved” Gerry and could not have asked for more in terms of the lengths he went to in order to help William. She said that Gerry never gave up on William when others did. Michael said that when he told his Mam (Jackie) that the YJS were coming to see Leon, she said “that’s great, I hope Leon gets Gerry Bowman if he is still there”. Michael said that he could not believe that his Mam had remembered Gerry’s name after all these years as he could only remember it was Gerry. Michael said that he remembers Gerry coming to the house and remembers him being happy and smiling not matter what William had done. Jackie said that Gerry was always respectful to her, William and her family.
Jackie said that there was nothing more Gerry could have done to try and help William. Jackie and Michael said that Gerry deserves a “medal” for working with William and all the other Y/P he has helped.
Gerry is a fabulous bloke, he spends time to understand you, he gets me. He takes me to appointments, if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t get there. I like that Gerry is straight forward, he tells me what he is going to do, and he does it. I wouldn’t be in the position I am in if it wasn’t for Gerry I would be in a worse place. Gerry worked with some of my pals and he tried to help them. It took me a while to get to know Gerry but he stuck by me and I trust him. He is a good person.
I have worked with Gerry for a long time. Gerry gives good advice, he puts you on the right way, he has always been there for me. He sorts stuff out, he has helped me, if it wasn’t for Gerry, I would not have anywhere to live. Gerry is a good lad, there is no messing with him, he is straight to the point, he’s the man!
Gerry is sound, he has helped me when I needed it. Gerry helped me to get my life back on track, I am now working two jobs. Evan though I have finished working with Gerry I know I could ring him if I ever needed help with anything.
I have worked with Gerry for a while, he helped me with all of the court stuff, he was mint, always checking on me and he made sure I understood what was happening. He spent a lot of time with me and he came to see me frequently. Gerry kept in touch with my family and made sure they knew what was happening, he even gave my mum a lift to come and see me. Gerry listened to me, I didn’t know what to expect but he was better than I could have ever expected. Gerry helped me a lot, things I didn’t know what to do he helped me with. I trusted him, I felt safe to ask him any questions. Gerry is spot on, he is always really fair, he has helped me a lot. Gerry is mint, he sticks to his word.
Jacqueline – Foster Carer:
I have worked with Gerry for many years for different young people. Gerry has always had the best interests of the young person and always went above and beyond.
Peter Farrier – Solicitor:
My experiences of Gerry are nothing but positive. Apart from his compassionate nature, it is obvious, to me at least, that he is completely grounded and has an in depth understanding of adolescence and adolescents. He understands the affects of disadvantage and trauma. He keeps an open mind and is never judgemental in his approach. He would be a deserving and worthy recipient of such an award.
Mark Styles – Solicitor:
I have had the pleasure of dealing with Gerry over many years in the local courts. I have never come across someone working in youth justice who is as committed and invested in young people’s lives as Gerry, he takes a genuine and lasting interest in their lives and I have seen him support children through low criminal offending, through to cases involving murder, with the same level of empathy and compassion. He will travel literally hundreds of miles, to support young people he works with and will always, without fail, have a sportive impact on their life. He has been, and remains, an absolute credit to his employers and I cannot think of anyone more deserving of an award.
Manager from Aycliffe Secure Centre:
I just wanted to pass on my sincerest thanks to Gerry and the work he has done with the young person. Gerry’s dedication to his role as his YOT worker has been incredible and he has gone above and beyond to ensure the young person and his family have been supported throughout this whole process. His genuine care for the young person and his family is evident and something we have all commented on. I have worked within this field for twenty years and Gerry is one of the very best, if not the best, YOT workers I had the pleasure to work with.
Being a Referral Order Panel Member with YJS Gateshead I felt immensely proud when I heard the Chairman of the Magistrates Bench describe Case Manager Gerry Bowman’s Intensive Referral Order Report for a particular case the most comprehensive informative detailed report he had ever seen. Having read this detailed report for the PSR panel which I attended I felt as if I knew the background history of YP and family alongside the severity of the crime that had been committed, the interventions that the panel agreed upon with YP covered all bases of reparation restoration and reintegration and I really do believe that no stone was left unturned
Emma Lewis, Longside Care Home, Home Manager:
I have had the pleasure of knowing Gerry Bowman for approx. 8 years, I have worked in Residential within Gateshead for that period, during that time we have worked with Children who have needed additional support and guidance to make the correct decisions and life choices, Gerry always had a way of positively engaging our children to complete preventative and restorative work, Gerry made mass effort from the offset to ensure Young people avoided being criminalised and I cannot thank him enough for his engagement, by helping and supporting children at that early stage he prevented the stigma of Young people within a care setting, he is the most hard working, dedicated gentleman who has a heart of gold. He is outstanding within his role within the Youth Justice Service and on behalf of myself and all of the children he has supported over his time at Gateshead Local Authority to make better choices, to reflect and to make a change. I want to thank him enormously for his continued contribution.
Phil Long Independent Reviewing Officer:
I think I’ve known Gerry for over twenty years as a colleague at first but latterly as a friend. I remember him coming to see young people when I worked in residential, twenty plus years ago, and remember how easily he managed the young people he came to see, and I think the residential workers as well.
Gerry is brilliant at quickly building relationships with the young people and the families, he works with. Based on honesty, approachability, and hard work. He has the ability to engage young people and focus them on what lies ahead for them in terms of their court experience and supporting them with this.
As a professional, Gerry has been loyal to Gateshead, having worked here probably longer than me!!! He is a font of knowledge and is happy to share his knowledge and experience with other professionals. He is also more than happy to go the extra mile for the young people he works with. In my experience he is always first to take on tasks such as ensuring young people have legal representation.
From my perspective Gerry is a good friend an approachable, knowledgeable bloke who loves a joke and is good to know.
Melanie –Targeted Family Support:
When I worked at the YOT my fondest memories were when Gerry was my line manager. We fondly recall those days at Blaydon Youth Court, as the good old days. I, along with my colleagues, would’ve done anything Gerry asked from us as our manager. That’s because he led from the front, had our backs and was one of us. Plus we loved him dearly. He so deserves this award.
Paul Mcelvanney – Health:
It gives me great pleasure in writing this letter in respect of Gerry Bowman for an honorary award. If anyone deserves a lifetime award, it is Gerry. He is fantastic person and human-being.
I worked with Gerry in the Youth Offending Team based in Gateshead. I was a specialist Mental Health Nurse attached to Gerry’s team to assess and support young offenders with Mental Health and Neurodevelopmental disorders. Gerry was always keen to support my appointments to gain a better understanding of the young persons challenges. Not everyone would be willing to do this and support the young person.
From the first morning I arrived Gerry greeted me with open arms. Introduced me to the team. I could feel his enthusiasm, passion, and energy even at that point.
Gerry was dedicated to supporting young offenders. Despite the alleged offence he always gives those children the same courteous, professional response each and every time. Gerry was influential in assisting young people making positive changes in their lives. He would give everyone an opportunity to redeem themselves. He listened to them with great intent and purpose.
His personality is something I was always remembered, despite the serious element to the work he was always there with a smile, encouraging junior staff and co staff. He would put a smile on everyone’s face. A great sense of humour. Gerry clearly taught me many new skills in terms of my understanding of criminal behaviour of young people and I still use this knowledge today. He made the difficult situations look effortlessly easy and that was down to his professional attitude, knowledge and understanding.
Even in his own life Gerry has overcome significant loss. But this never got in the way of his infectious personality. He always tried to help people with friendly words. Everyone has benefitted from knowing Gerry. I have very fond memories of the Gerry and the Youth Offending Team.
I hope he receives this award in recognition of his long-term dedication and commitment to helping young people. “People like Gerry are very rare these days”
Hayley Wareham – Children’s Social Care Manager:
I have known Gerry for over 20 years, having first met him when I started the Youth Justice Service in 2002, which was the start of my own career. Gerry was experienced, passionate and has always been approachable, reasonable and measured, with a strong sense of social justice, which emanates in both his personal and professional life. Outside of work, Gerry has become a best friend, and we often socialise and ‘put the world to rights’ with some very diverse, topical and often political debates, most of which he is able to directly apply to his own working experiences. I can honestly say that I have learned a lot from Gerry and he is definitely a friend and colleague I always want to have on my side, and by my side.
Gary Coyles:
From starting my career at Gateshead Youth Justice Service, Gerry has always been someone I look up and highly valued. As a young man when I started Gateshead YJS, I was always in awe of Gerry, this was from his integrity in his work, his attitude to others and how much he values the children he works with. As the years went on and as I progressed in my career the respect for Gerry grew both professionally and personally. His straightforward dry humour and his playful attitude towards colleagues was great to watch. Having left the council and now working for another Youth Justice Service, I can now reflect on Gerry as an individual and I can now wholeheartedly say that he is a real credit to Gateshead Council. He is a top-quality employee and will always go over and above for the betterment of the Service.
Rachel Lacey:
I have worked with Gerry for 17 years and have had the pleasure of managing him for the past 6 years. He has certainly helped to develop my management skills!
Gerry is an absolute diamond and goes above and beyond for the young people and the families that he works with and although he can sometimes present as challenging and argumentative, we all know that he is a big softy really with a heart of gold!! His reflections, rants and opinions brighten my day and I love it when he calls me ‘hinny’ as well as his regular sayings of ‘its only 12 Fridays’ and ‘I bet you a mars bars’ which always make me smile.
Lisa Shields:
Knowing Gerry for 17 years I can say he is a genuine, great guy and friend. Gerry has been a great support and mentor throughout my time at Youth Justice. He is always happy to help and share his knowledge and wisdom from his years of experience with the team. His passion to help and support young people and their families is a credit to him. He certainly goes above and beyond to ensure he can help where he can. To be nominated for this award of recognition is very well deserved.
Gary Payton:
I have worked with Gerry for over 20 years now and every day that I have done so has been a pleasure. Some days you come to work and might feel “not up to it” or you have had a “bad day”. That’s when Gerry is there to lend an ear and to talk through any work issues you are not sure about. If you’re not sure how to work with a Y/P or family, Gerry will always have an idea how to engage the young person or family, which usually works.
Gerry has encouraged and supported me throughout the 20 years and even showed me how to write my first pre-sentence-report for court and I still write them based on what Gerry told me back then. Gerry is extremely knowledgeable about all things YJS and Court, so if you’re not sure ask Gerry!!! Gerry is excellent at engaging young people and families and there have been lots of occasions in the past and even now when young people and their families will ask “how’s Gerry”?, they are genuinely interested in knowing how he is because he has helped them.
The biggest compliment I could pay Gerry is that he not just a work colleague he is my friend, and a valued friend at that. He deserves recognition for the work he has done and continues to do and also for being a GOOD PERSON.
Jane Kemp:
Gerry joined the YOT just after me and very quickly made the job his own.
Gerry can always put others at ease and his lovely friendly manner means he always gets on well with both parents and young people. “Uncle” Gerry will help anyone (for a Mars Bar!) and he is organised and pragmatic. He works hard to get the best outcome for young people and he is a great advocate in Court for them. He is tidy and likes order so case files are up to date and thorough.
Nothing fazes Gerry and he works hard to get the job done. He always has time for a chat and he will help you with work issues if he can. He is firm but fair and does whatever he can to help young people make the changes they want to. All in all a top bloke and in his own “pit yakka” he is a good “marra”!
Rachel Smith:
Gerry is a true professional, team player, mentor to new workers and is extremely enthusiastic about his job. He always wants the best for others and will go out of his way to help and support workers, young people and parents. He has a wealth of knowledge that he shares with all those he works with and as an employee who works alongside Gerry, I am always learning when in his company. All those who come into contact with Gerry, admire him for his dedication, integrity and passion. He is a huge asset to Gateshead YJS.
Julia Pearson – Police:
Gerry often calls me when he is with a young person to iron out any queries that they have regarding the police. It is always clear to hear the warmth in his relationship with the young person and this warmth allows barriers between the Police and the young person to be broken down. I have had some of the best conversations with young people who have assaulted Police or have traditionally hated Police because of the work Gerry has done with them. He always seems firm but fair. I know he will go the extra mile for all of his young people and I am often on the receiving end of early morning phone calls where he is trying to untangle possible associations or he is concerned about a young person who the Police have had recent dealings with.
I love the fact that you can aways have an honest conversation with Gerry and he loves to make a professional challenge but is equally accepting of this back. In fact I think he not so secretly loves the debate. He keeps me professionally on my toes as if there is a whiff of procedural error or a cut corner he is perked up and engaged, this is all part of the sense of fairness and justness that make Gerry Gerry.
Jo Walsh:
I have worked with Gerry for over 20 years. He is probably the most steadfast member of Gateshead YJS. Always working to support to support his colleagues, the wider community and most importantly, the young people and their families. With a firm but fair and no nonsense approach he has supported countless young people to make positive changes to their lives and contributions to the community. He is one of life’s “good eggs” and we are lucky to have him in Gateshead.
Tim O’Neill – Police:
Don’t be fooled by the occasional slippage into that Ashington Pit Yakka vernacular, he might be an Old School Straight Talking, No Nonsense, Firm Handed, Well Intentioned Throw Back but he remains Consistent(ly) Challenging (not just to YP’s & their families but also to management, Police & wider partners) & is frequently Thought Provoking – none-less so than when providing my favourite Gerry moments of seamless slippage into the Wig & Gown of his alter ego, Wannabe Solicitor, where he convincingly demonstrates himself to be on first name terms with District Judge Meek, no less!!!
Gill and Mick Mullen:
Gerry Bowman is the person that everyone who has worked in the YOT has at one time or another, has been there to support, give advice and a much needed shoulder to cry on. He is and always has been devoted to his job giving his best for the young people under his care. He is a team player and is always first up at team building days. Mick was telling me that when staff met in the meeting room after court to allocate young people with a case manager, Gerry mentioned a young man called Seen. When told the lads name was Sean Gerry promptly asked then where is the ‘H’. Gerry is a much respected man with a huge following because no matter where you go, you will always see cars with badges on saying GB.
Billy Nicholls:
Gerry has always been welcoming and easy to get a long with since I started working for Gateshead YJS. He’s always been just a phone call away if I’ve ever needed help with anything (even late afternoon on a Friday!!) and has always given me the best advice on multiple different situations. His knowledge on the YJS is fantastic and he goes above and beyond to help the young people he works with. Every young person I have worked with alongside Gerry has always had nothing but good things to say about him. Gerry has been a great colleague and friend since I joined Gateshead YJS.