BARBARA RANDALL (North East Probation)

BARBARA RANDALL (North East Probation)
AWARD WINNER 2024-25: Barbara’s Award is for her outstanding work as a Probation Officer in Northumberland & North Tyneside – to quote her area manager: “she is one of the most tenacious, conscientious, and dedicated people I have ever worked with… her career is a masterclass in probation”.
[Barbara’s Award is supported by Interventions Alliance.]
This nomination was completed by Steven Gilbert (Head of Northumberland & North Tyneside, Probation North East)
Barbara Randall is one of the most tenacious, conscientious, dedicated Probation Officers, I have ever worked with, she optimises what it means to “go the extra mile”. Barbara, has never let the fact that she is blind, prevent her from being the best at what she does, and her career is a masterclass in how to support people on probation to become offence free.
Nomination Details
In recent months Barbara has fought to ensure that a man who has served 16 years over tariff, was able to make progress towards release, she achieved this by pulling together agencies and individuals from over 3 different geographical areas, numerous different prisons, and a myriad of other agencies and services to have his needs assessed and a plan agreed to manage his needs and risks in the community, having done this she forced the local authority to accept the social care and health needs for him so that for the first time during his imprisonment he could be truly assessed for release. She has now formulated a comprehensive risk management and sentence plan that can be presented to the Parole Board to sort release for a man who has serviced over 25 years in custody. It is because of Barbara’s will and hard work that this man is now able to move on with his rehabilitation in custody in a new prison, with the potential to be safely released into supported accommodation in the near future. This is the foundation on which rehabilitation and recovery are built.
Barbara has used her experience to help promote equality and diversity across Probation, she has championed the idea that nothing should prevent people from all walks of life becoming probation officers. Barbara was instrumental in the dissemination of good practice linked to equality and diversity in the North East, and for a number of years she was the Equality & Inclusion Manager for Northumbria.
However, Barbara’s love was practice and she returned to practice as a Probation Officer and now she supports her colleagues to become competent and dedicated practitioners. She is a gifted mentor and Barbara uses her understanding of Public Protection, professional curiosity and enthusiasm, to pass on her wisdom, she shares her ability to reflect and analyse risk, but most of all she champions her belief in people’s ability to change, in her belief in the work of probation.
I cannot support Barbara enough for this award, she is everything that a Probation Officer should aspire to be and she never allows anything to dampen her spirit, her humour or her drive to help others. Barbara joined the Probation Service in 1994 and she has dedicated her life to her work and the organisation is the richer because of her.
Statement from Robyn Bathgate: Barbara’s support worker and successful PQiP (Professional Qualification in Probation) candidate:
I have worked with Barbara Randall as her Support Worker for the past 6 years under the Access to Work scheme. Barbara describes herself as a Probation Officer who happens to be totally blind” but I have never seen her use it as a reason for not doing something or meeting a deadline, as if there is an opportunity for her to put her hand up, then it’s up (meaning more work for both of us). In fact, after a time with Barbara you don’t even notice that she is blind, she makes it look so effortless. I am with Barbara 30 hours per week and witness her direct practice first hand, whether this is supervising individuals or in meetings such as Parole, MAPPA and Child Protection amongst others. Barbara never fails to amaze me with her compassion and willingness to go the extra mile and make a real difference, whether that is for the individual or the public at large. She believes in people’s ability to change, and where they are not ready, she always seems to know what action to take to manage the risk and motivate them and this seems to come naturally. Barbara has an infectious sense of humour and work ethic, after a weekend or period of leave, I always look forward to coming to work to see Barbara as she has a genuine interest in me and my own life and development, in fact, she has motivated me to become a PQiP. I have seen her working first hand with a range of trainees and with those she supervises. She sometimes has to deliver difficult messages regarding self development or risk, but this is always done in a sensitive and encouraging way. Barbara is kind, genuine and fair, but does not suffer fools gladly and is professionally curious which means she is not scared to ask those questions others may dodge or prefer not to answer.
She rarely looks backwards, preferring instead to reflect on how to move forward and building on success and getting others to set their own goals. Even when it is Breach, she will describe it as drawing a line and an opportunity to move forward rather than this marks everything you have done wrong. Barbaras door is always open, she always has time for people and their needs and even when she doesn’t, she clears her desk and makes time for them. If I could ever become half the practitioner Barbara Randall is, I would be incredibly happy.
Support from Director of North East Probation, Bronwen Elphick:
This nomination describes the work of an exceptionally multi-skilled Probation Officer who has robust risk management at the centre of all she does. Managing complex cases by utilising available resources, expertise and exercising the all important professional curiosity ensures Barbara is best able to protect the public.
Over her career Barbara has amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience and the fact that she embraces every opportunity to share this with colleagues to support their own learning and development, despite the inevitable time pressures that this will put her under, is highly commendable. No amount of academic study can compensate for the sharing of knowledge in this way and in doing so Barbara is demonstrating her caring and supportive nature which in no small way makes the team she works in a great place to work.
Barbara is a colleague deserving of national recognition for her commitment to and willingness to go the extra mile to secure positive outcomes for people.