Celebrating and promoting the best in UK prisons, IRCs, probation and youth justice

DEBBIE JONES (Bridgend Youth Justice Service)

DEBBIE JONES (Bridgend Youth Justice Service)

Deborah Jones

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Debbie is the Quality Assurance and Performance Officer at Bridgend Youth Justice Service, and receives a Commendation for her instrumental role, and tenacity, in developing and driving forward trauma-informed practice for young people, both within the YJS, and across the Cwm Taf region.

Debbie’s nomination

Debbie was nominated by: Christa Bonham Griffiths (Service Manager, Bridgend Youth Justice Service).

Deborah has been a trauma champion for Youth Justice since the Enhanced Case Management model of Practice has been implemented by the Youth Justice Board. She has been instrumental in developing trauma practice across the Cwm Taf region and has developed an in-house model of practice called Relationship Based Practice and a collatable trauma screening tool to ensure children who have experienced trauma, receive the support they require in a timely manner and have their voice heard.

Deborah champions multi agency meetings through formulation and has introduced a Jamboard system to the service that timelines the child’s trauma with multi agency information and maps the child’s cognitive, social and emotional functions against their chronological age. This allows professionals to create a plan that responds to the child’s needs and avoid repetition as workers can prioritise who is best to work with the child dependent on where they are in making steps to recovery.

Deb has enabled the service to successfully bid for Youth Endowment Funding and as a result this model of practice is planned to be implemented across wider departments to build consistency and improved wider department’s response to children with trauma. This model of practice will now be implemented across Early Help, Edge of Care Services, Youth development, FACTS and Youth Justice.

Deb has developed some really effective evidence systems and an example of this is she has developed an interactive My Voice system that allows the service to capture the voice of the child in their words. This tool is child friendly and available bilingually and has been translated for children who use alternative languages to English or Welsh. Deb is proactive and innovative in her approach to working with children and will develop ways to engage children in their plans through their key strengths, safe place and their lives. For example, she has used a child’s love of Spain and rugby to engage them in their YJS intervention. She has written worksheets with those headings as themes to draw interest.

Deb is one of the best team players I have ever had the pleasure of managing. She has helped team members consider ideas for engagement of complex children and is always willing to share positive practice and bring others on. She is selfless in her working, she is committed beyond her role and responsibility, she sees the strengths in others, is willing to go above and beyond and to try try and try again, to pick up the pieces when needed and she is clearly loved by all those that come into contact with her. In my 20 years of YJS management, I have never come across such a wonderful person and practitioner as her. I would love her to get this award as I have never ever heard her be anything but positive when it comes to the complex work Youth Justice practice can bring.

Caroline Hoskins (Consultant Clinical Psychologist, FACTs):
“Debbie has been part of the team at Bridgend YOS championing trauma responsive care for children in youth justice. Her work has seen the successful transfer of project based Enhanced Case Management – a trauma informed approach to the provision of psychological team formulation, to ‘Business as Usual’ for children in Bridgend. The uptake and continuation of ECM has been dependent on the hard work, determination and passion of youth justice professionals – Debbie has these qualities in abundance.

From meeting Debbie at the start of my own journey in youth justice I have been struck by her gentle tenacity to ensure that children’s rights are met – she is a real advocate for the most vulnerable children in our population. Debbie replicates the attunement and warmth she holds for children through the relationships she has with external professionals. It is an absolute pleasure to work alongside Debbie.”

Child – Bridgend Youth Justice:
“Debbie has been amazing to me. She has helped me in everything.”

Youth Justice Colleague:
“Debbie is the most amazing person. She always puts the children first and tries her very best to make things better.”

Youth Justice Colleague:
“I have never worked with anyone as committed to her job with children and families and victims as Debbie. She is a true inspiration who always goes the extra mile and thoroughly deserves this award.”

In conclusion

Debbie has driven the trauma recovery model in two Youth Justice service areas (Cwm Taf and Bridgend) and has worked tirelessly for others to understand the child from a trauma perspective. I really would like her to gain recognition for always ensuring others see where children are in terms of their recovery from trauma, for her advocating on a daily basis for others to gain better understanding and for her responding to the needs and strengths of children and bringing out their best. She has ensured many of our children recognise their talents and helped them believe they are all fantastic in their own unique ways.